SEO Expert Roundup: 20+ Experts on Future of SEO
Do you know the meaning of SEO Expert Roundup?
If no then I would like to describe this a little bit and that's in a simple line: An expert roundup blog post is an article on which many experienced persons in a selected industry on a selected topic share their expertise and thoughts or suggestions just like in this article, experts are talking about SEO.
If no then I would like to describe this a little bit and that's in a simple line: An expert roundup blog post is an article on which many experienced persons in a selected industry on a selected topic share their expertise and thoughts or suggestions just like in this article, experts are talking about SEO.

So, here's our latest SEO Expert Roundup blog post on the future of Search Engine Optimization, Strategies, Tools, Tips, and Tricks.
You can read expert advice on how SEO will change rankings at search engines and what you should do to rank your blog posts or web-pages higher in the SERPs.
Sit tight and read:
Answer: Voice Search is the future of SEO. Comscore estimates that by 2030 all internet searches will be conducted using voice search of those 30% will be done on a device with no screen.
This means sites and content will need to be optimized for results that are voice friendly.
It also means that people will not get 10 results shown on Google's SERP. They will only get one result.
As a result the following items will need to be added or improved upon:
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Answer: User engagement metrics are one area to focus on in looking towards the future of SEO: CTR, bounce rate, average session duration, etc.
Recently, I encountered the most extreme case to date in my experience, when working with an eCommerce store. I was aggressively running Google AdWords and Facebook ads to sell the entire store’s inventory as quickly as possible.
The spike in traffic in ads led to an increase in both direct traffic and organic traffic, as interest in the brand, followed the spike in paid traffic.
Rankings also immediately followed this influx of paid traffic with the sharpest increase in rankings I have experienced during my digital marketing career. The moment inventory sold out, visitors quickly left the site after landing and keyword rankings quickly and sharply decreased.
Social media profile link: Facebook@Benwynkoopseo
Website address:
Answer: We are only 6 months into 2018, yet we have seen numerous updates, new tools, and new technology that looks to shape the landscape of SEO in the near future.
One of the latest SEO trends is voice search, which has seen an increase in usage over the last year. With the rise of AI Assistants such as Alexa and Google Assistant, along with improving AI technology, we might be seeing more exact and phrased search terms in the near future.
Mobile SEO is also getting a push from Google, as more users prefer browsing using mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. This makes mobile rankings a more important factor for a lot of brands. Another important feature was the introduction of infinite scrolling on mobile SERPs, which makes navigation much easier and accessible.
These features, along with the optimization of AMP and responsive design, are clear signs that mobile will soon become the dominant internet browsing platform, especially when it comes to SEO.
While Google remains as the world’s top search engine, the rising amount of users in different search engines across the world indicate that search is increasingly becoming more diverse than ever before. With search engines like Baidu and Yandex receiving millions upon millions of search queries on a regular basis, these search engines are emerging to become viable competitors in the world of search.
While we don’t see Google as the top search engine, it would be interesting to see the growth of new search engines, along with new strategies and optimization techniques being developed to harness their SEO potential.
SEO today is at a point where big updates and changes are happening at a rapid pace, and keeping our websites prepared and ready for what the future holds will help ensure that performance remains at an optimal level.
Social media profile link: twitter@seo_hacker
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Answer: The future of SEO. It's an interesting question. As long as there are search engines the need will exist to ensure that businesses are visible and well presented. This is SEO in a nutshell - making sure people can find you and that you look the part.
So, the future of SEO really tracks directly with the future of search engines. Where will search go next? Voice search? Devices like watches and Google Glasses? Virtual reality. Wherever search goes then SEO will follow.
Most likely search and SEO will not change hugely in the next 10 years. We already have mobile, voice search, assistants and smart watches. So these are obvious targets for the immediate future.
I do think that some of the technical elements of SEO will go away. As web platforms move ever more into the cloud with platforms like Shopify and Wix then technical SEO will become less important. This means that the marketing side of things comes to the fore. Content will continue to be huge. Digital PR. The integration of SEO as part of a broader digital marketing mix.
What I do know is that if the next 20 years are anything like the last 20 years it is going to be a hell of a ride!
Social media profile link: LinkedIn@bowlerhat
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Answer: The future of SEO is to become a lot more integrated with social media.
Although people will still search for certain keywords, finding products via social media platforms such as Facebook and Pinterest are becoming much more common, particularly now retargeting exists.
People will likely do initial research via SEO but may end up actually buying on social media. So if you're not leveraging your social media channels and using tools such as retargeting, you could be missing out on lots of new buyers.
Social media profile link: Facebook@seb.brantigan
Website address:
Answer: SEO is going through a major transition. Once thought of as a passing fad, voice search is now used on a daily basis. There’s no avoiding it: voice search is here to stay. According to Google CEO Sundar Pichai, 25% of searches on Android devices are now voice queries. So how can you harness the growing potential of voice search? By optimizing your site as soon as possible of course!
These days consumers are buying millions of Amazon Echo, Google Home, (let's not already forget Siri and Cortana yet) and a variety of similar devices.
Your website, content, and keywords need to start reflecting that. Keywords will often times be long-tail and conversational instead of a few words. Your writing should reflect how people actually speak, especially how they ask questions and expect answers. This will continue to be a growing trend as these devices become more popular and more advanced.
Automobile manufacturers are now starting to include them as built-in features in new cars, so people can do voice searches while they're driving without having to (often times illegally) take out their smartphones.
This becomes even more significant with increased laws banning handheld cell phones while driving which necessitates hands free voice activation and Bluetooth technology.
People tend to use voice search when they have a hyper-specific search intent. As such, your content must be optimized with the goal of fulfilling these search intents quickly and efficiently. Voice search focuses more on goal-fulfillment than keyword optimization.
Social media profile link: twitter@mikeschiemer
Website address:
Answer: I would say these three things are going to figure out the future of SEO: User Experience, Accelerated Mobile Pages, and Artificial Intelligence.
Glad to have this chance to share my views on the future scope of SEO.
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Answer: What is the future of SEO? I must base that answer on the recent past. Google decided which blogs have such quality content the powerful search engine wants to show the content to its readers: links.
If people have links to their site, Google believes the content is quality and will boost content in its search engine results pages (SERPs). This was true in 2016, 2017, and again in 2018.
Therefore, based on the recent past, the future of SEO is, and will continue to be link building.
Of course, people need to build links from reputable sites. If people build links from unreputable sites, they won't boost their SEO. On the contrary, they might get penalized by Google. What is an unreputable site?
Social media profile link: twitter@MrsPaznanski
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Answer: Social is moving to a prove it or lose it stage... so start thinking how Content IS the Ad. The importance of content in your SEO and middle funnel strategy will be critical. Social media platforms are essentially huge AI systems designed to keep users 'tuned in' by showing them things they want to see and using data to improve the success of that goal each time a user engages.
But AI isn't really that smart yet. Most AI is big data pattern recognition that gets better at predicting what they will do as more people use the systems. It's not actually 'thinking'. As the Trump media machine proved, real thinking beings can manipulate these systems with relative ease using anchor content such as a blog post, or video, bot based syndication (half of Trump's Twitter followers are fakes) and then the power of real people sharing and training the algorithms to 'think'. Add in some well-placed adds on automatic networks like Facebook and bam, media that motivates.
Social media profile link: twitter@tedrubin
Answer: Artificial intelligence will take care of everything when it comes to rank a site or page in Google search results. Google already using artificial intelligence to do most of the jobs related to search engine. Google algorithms help it find the taste, habits, and behavior of the user. Google's rankbrain is already running to filter the results.
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is the need of the time. Search engine giant understands the importance of mobile users. Smartphone users are increasing like anything, and that is why Google wants webmasters to focus on designing mobile first websites.
I can easily predict that Google Accelerated Mobile pages will become a ranking factor. If you give a close look, then you will find that AMP pages rank better in Google search results on mobile.
Top quality user experience will always be the priority of search engines. Google and other search engines will be more focused on filtering out low quality and spammy content to create the place for healthy content in search results. Copy content and spun content are already out of the robust content dictionary. It is the time that webmasters should focus on detailed content.
So don't try to trick the Google or any other search engine. They are getting smarter and know you better than your parents.
Social media profile link: facebook@eAskMe
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Answer: As you may have been noticing SEO is moving more and more towards quality of the content rather than the on-page optimization and links you do. Many people often report me that the are getting good traffic with only quality content is good low competitive niche.
SEO will transform as Google is leveraging AI and machine learning to make out the quality of the content as we humans do. It will both be good and bad. The quality content will be rewarded and at the same time short term blogging strategies cease to work. If you have mediocre content, it'll slip down the SERPs.
Getting links from topically relevant sites will matter more than ever.
Google is rewarding content which answers all the possible questions in a topic in a single in-depth blog post. So, the desired word count has been increased from 500 words (when I started blogging) to 5000 words in the recent years. Only the insightful content will start ranking at top 5 positions.
Focus on writing insightful content over presenting factual information. I see many bloggers starting blog in things like toll free numbers, celebrity net-worth stuff like that. The thing is that factual blogs like this can be killed by Google Snippets overnight.
It's very essential to spread your eggs and keep an eye on Google research AI developments, to anticipate how the SEO transforms.
SEO will never be dead, but it'll be transformed and old strategies will be replaced with new ones.
Social media profile link: facebook@akshayhallur
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Answer: The trend in SEO from since I started doing it - is pretty much the same up to now, where the practice itself is consistently getting even more difficult. Google has been testing and implementing a lot of changes.
For one, featured snippets (or rank #0) offer a ton of advantage to clear winners, but requires the best content that solves/answers a certain query to really get to that result.
Then there's mobile-first, rankbrain, and other constant improvements being added to their core search algorithm.
All these obviously imply that in order to really succeed in SEO, marketers should have a solid grasp of the best practices for both the technical and creative side of the discipline. This will allow you to stay ahead, and be secure with whatever changes may occur in the future.
Social media profile link: twitter@JasonAcidre
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Answer: I think the future of SEO depends more on artificial intelligence and voice search. So if you want to get the most out of SEO in the future, make sure to start focusing on podcasts and improving your website for voice search.
Also make sure to focus on giving better content to your target audience by finding their "search intent". There's no point in ranking for a keyword without knowing their intent.
The better you understand your target audience, the better rankings you can get.
Make sure to learn SEO as soon as possible to find out the latest trends and follow top SEO blogs in your industry.
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Answer: Over the years, SEO has been in constant evolution.
8 years ago you could dominate in ranking through spamming massive into your money site, regardless of the quality of links you throw in.
The SERP is able to accept sh*t pages in first page ranking back then.
Nowadays, spamming links towards your money site would become a waste of effort because it won’t move a needle towards pushing your rankings and could probably bring alter effect to some extent.
Looking at the development of Google back then until now, you will see how this search engine behave and where it will lead. Quantity towards quality.
Here are the things that I anticipate to happen in the future:
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Answer: Although Search engines usually have more than 100 updates in any particular year, but i believe these are minor tweaks and changes.
If you ask me on how do you see search engines performing in future, I believe the future lies' with voice search, artificial intelligence. Better integration of voice, video and content on single page thus making it easier for the user to select his own preference.
People who think that the value of content will be eliminated over the years, i completely disagree with it. Because you can't elaborate examples, references and pictures without content.
Social media profile link: twitter@aarsheikh
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Answer: I think the future of search is going to really lean on voice. What I mean is that with the increase of voice commands, we will see people performing their Google searches like never before. There will likely be a shift in more Q&A searches as well as some really extreme long tail searches.
And with this shift, it will be important to create content that not only informs but also answers common questions users may have on the topic. This type of approach will position your content to not only target your core keyword phrase but the semantic search phrases around questions on that topic.
Social media profile link: twitter@chrismakara
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Answer: The SEO industry is constantly evolving. Back in the day, it was just viewed as a small part of the digital marketing industry. But now, it has become a key determinant of the success and failure of any digital marketing campaign.
There is constant and fierce competition among brands and marketers to stay ahead in the SEO race. Every year, as major search engines upgrade their algorithms, we get to see a lot of new SEO trends and techniques.
Let’s take a quick look into what the future of search engine optimization looks like:
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Answer: The future of SEO is its demise.
Search Engine Optimization never really existed in the first place - it is essentially a collection of marketing and site development best practices that any self-respecting website owner should be doing anyway because we exist in a time when search engines exist.
These best practices have been repackaged and renamed and have been spooking those without the understanding of the matter for decades... but not for very much longer.
Within a few years, the larger corporations will come to understand that the various pieces of the SEO puzzle can be redistributed to various roles throughout their organization and the concept as SEO as a separate entity will simply fade away.
This will trickle down to smaller businesses over time, eventually doing away with the need for "SEO experts" and companies, their roles reduced to notes to the website engineers, "Oh, and this is also good for search engine exposure."
Social media profile link: twitter@countxero
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Answer: Marketing Plan
Complete Marketing plan will replace just a simple SEO strategy. Your marketing plan should include On-page optimization, Off-page strategies, Social, Paid, Advertising etc.
Optimize for users:
You should also concentrate on optimizing your website for users rather than concentrating too much on keywords and topics. Better website structure, UX and load times will get better visibility in SERPs.
Voice Search:
Voice search will keep gaining popularity. Marketers and bloggers will have to think outside the box to optimize websites to get more traffic from voice.
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Answer: I see two futures for SEO: voice search and snippets based search results. Businesses will soon have to optimize for keywords based on how people talk rather than how people type.
Voice search is growing year over year and search engine optimization will change to mimic it. Also, click through rates are falling fast year by year due to Google’s snippet results.
When visitors get their questions answered they don't see a need to search further. Google is only getting better at it and users are living it, which means SEO’s out there will have not only optimize for snippets, but for click throughs if they want to be successful.
Social media profile link: @jimmy3dcart
Website address: 3dcart
We were able to convince these masters and experts in the SEO industry and asked them the same questions "What is the Future of SEO" and as they answered, we have added their answers here.
If you need more information regarding this SEO expert roundup or want to get yourself featured in this list of experts then contact us using the contact form you can access from the footer menu.
Thanks for the read and don't forget to share this useful SEO guide with your friends.
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1. Scott Gombar
Bio: Scott Gombar has been dabbling with digital marketing since the days of AOL Chat Rooms and Geocities Web Pages. He has over 15 years of SEO and Social Media Marketing experience. He is an expert WordPress Website Designer with experience in HTML, PHP, and CSS. Scott has studied the intricacies of the Google Search Algorithm for years, often writing about it and sharing his knowledge on podcasts. He applies his knowledge and experience with SEO to help businesses of all sizes grow their web presence and succeed in sales. After successfully running a small digital marketing agency for 4 years, Scott decided to focus all his energies in the digital world on SEO. His love for analytics, extensive experience with Search Engine Optimization and passion to see fellow business owners succeed are the driving forces behind relaunching as an SEO service provider. Scott is Google Analytics, Google AdWords, SEMRush SEO Certified, Hubspot Content Marketing Certified and Hubspot Inbound Certified.Answer: Voice Search is the future of SEO. Comscore estimates that by 2030 all internet searches will be conducted using voice search of those 30% will be done on a device with no screen.
This means sites and content will need to be optimized for results that are voice friendly.
It also means that people will not get 10 results shown on Google's SERP. They will only get one result.
As a result the following items will need to be added or improved upon:
- Structured Data-There are estimates that show adoption and usage of structured data is still less than 30%. Implementing structured data makes it easier for search engines (including social platforms) to read what your website pages and posts are about.
- Summarize-Near the top of a content page summarize what the content is about. Whether you use a 1 or 2 sentence summary or bullet points provide a question/answer style summary. Expand upon that answer in the rest of the content.
- Long form content. Research proves that content of at least 1800 plus words performs significantly better on search. Aim for at least 2000 words.
- Not to beat a dead horse but there are still tons of websites out there that our not mobile friendly. If you're site is not mobile friendly then chances are it will not return a result on voice search. Most voice searches are performed by a mobile device or small screen device.
- Security-Sites that have added SSL also perform better in search than sites that have not. In a recent study performed by my agency 80% of page one results had SSL on their sites.
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2. Ben Wynkoop
Bio: Ben Wynkoop is a digital marketer who specializes in: SEO, Google AdWords, and Facebook ads for eCommerce stores and local businesses.Answer: User engagement metrics are one area to focus on in looking towards the future of SEO: CTR, bounce rate, average session duration, etc.
Recently, I encountered the most extreme case to date in my experience, when working with an eCommerce store. I was aggressively running Google AdWords and Facebook ads to sell the entire store’s inventory as quickly as possible.
The spike in traffic in ads led to an increase in both direct traffic and organic traffic, as interest in the brand, followed the spike in paid traffic.
Rankings also immediately followed this influx of paid traffic with the sharpest increase in rankings I have experienced during my digital marketing career. The moment inventory sold out, visitors quickly left the site after landing and keyword rankings quickly and sharply decreased.
Social media profile link: Facebook@Benwynkoopseo
Website address:
3. Sean Si
Bio: Sean Si is the CEO and Founder of SEO Hacker, Qeryz, Sigil, and Workplays. A start-up, data analysis and urgency junkie who spends his time inspiring young entrepreneurs through talks and seminars.Answer: We are only 6 months into 2018, yet we have seen numerous updates, new tools, and new technology that looks to shape the landscape of SEO in the near future.
One of the latest SEO trends is voice search, which has seen an increase in usage over the last year. With the rise of AI Assistants such as Alexa and Google Assistant, along with improving AI technology, we might be seeing more exact and phrased search terms in the near future.
Mobile SEO is also getting a push from Google, as more users prefer browsing using mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. This makes mobile rankings a more important factor for a lot of brands. Another important feature was the introduction of infinite scrolling on mobile SERPs, which makes navigation much easier and accessible.
These features, along with the optimization of AMP and responsive design, are clear signs that mobile will soon become the dominant internet browsing platform, especially when it comes to SEO.
While Google remains as the world’s top search engine, the rising amount of users in different search engines across the world indicate that search is increasingly becoming more diverse than ever before. With search engines like Baidu and Yandex receiving millions upon millions of search queries on a regular basis, these search engines are emerging to become viable competitors in the world of search.
While we don’t see Google as the top search engine, it would be interesting to see the growth of new search engines, along with new strategies and optimization techniques being developed to harness their SEO potential.
SEO today is at a point where big updates and changes are happening at a rapid pace, and keeping our websites prepared and ready for what the future holds will help ensure that performance remains at an optimal level.
Social media profile link: twitter@seo_hacker
Website address:
4. Marcus Miller
Bio: SEO and PPC consultant at Bowler Hat. Focused on helping small businesses run profitable digital marketing campaigns.Answer: The future of SEO. It's an interesting question. As long as there are search engines the need will exist to ensure that businesses are visible and well presented. This is SEO in a nutshell - making sure people can find you and that you look the part.
So, the future of SEO really tracks directly with the future of search engines. Where will search go next? Voice search? Devices like watches and Google Glasses? Virtual reality. Wherever search goes then SEO will follow.
Most likely search and SEO will not change hugely in the next 10 years. We already have mobile, voice search, assistants and smart watches. So these are obvious targets for the immediate future.
I do think that some of the technical elements of SEO will go away. As web platforms move ever more into the cloud with platforms like Shopify and Wix then technical SEO will become less important. This means that the marketing side of things comes to the fore. Content will continue to be huge. Digital PR. The integration of SEO as part of a broader digital marketing mix.
What I do know is that if the next 20 years are anything like the last 20 years it is going to be a hell of a ride!
Social media profile link: LinkedIn@bowlerhat
Website address:
5. Seb Brantigan
Bio: Seb is a full time marketing consultant and left the corporate world at age 25. He helps business owners get more leads, sales and credibility online.Answer: The future of SEO is to become a lot more integrated with social media.
Although people will still search for certain keywords, finding products via social media platforms such as Facebook and Pinterest are becoming much more common, particularly now retargeting exists.
People will likely do initial research via SEO but may end up actually buying on social media. So if you're not leveraging your social media channels and using tools such as retargeting, you could be missing out on lots of new buyers.
Social media profile link: Facebook@seb.brantigan
Website address:
6. Mike Schiemer
Bio: Frugal entrepreneur and digital marketing manager. Owner of Bootstrap Business and Lean Startup Life. Author of The $10 Digital Media Startup.Answer: SEO is going through a major transition. Once thought of as a passing fad, voice search is now used on a daily basis. There’s no avoiding it: voice search is here to stay. According to Google CEO Sundar Pichai, 25% of searches on Android devices are now voice queries. So how can you harness the growing potential of voice search? By optimizing your site as soon as possible of course!
These days consumers are buying millions of Amazon Echo, Google Home, (let's not already forget Siri and Cortana yet) and a variety of similar devices.
Your website, content, and keywords need to start reflecting that. Keywords will often times be long-tail and conversational instead of a few words. Your writing should reflect how people actually speak, especially how they ask questions and expect answers. This will continue to be a growing trend as these devices become more popular and more advanced.
Automobile manufacturers are now starting to include them as built-in features in new cars, so people can do voice searches while they're driving without having to (often times illegally) take out their smartphones.
This becomes even more significant with increased laws banning handheld cell phones while driving which necessitates hands free voice activation and Bluetooth technology.
People tend to use voice search when they have a hyper-specific search intent. As such, your content must be optimized with the goal of fulfilling these search intents quickly and efficiently. Voice search focuses more on goal-fulfillment than keyword optimization.
Social media profile link: twitter@mikeschiemer
Website address:
7. Sathish Arumugam
Bio: A web designer, SEO trainer, outreach marketer and I am the man behind the booming blog, 'Traffic Crow'. It deals with actionable techniques and strategies all about SEO, digital marketing, blogging, WordPress and more.
Answer: I presume Voice search would be trending. Due to advent growth in the Internet, voice search would be convenient and cool for the on-go. As a smart webmaster, we will have to tailor our SEO strategies to adopt for reliable voice search strategy.
Currently, we consider long tail keywords as one of the great deciding factors in bringing search traffic. The significance of it will be increasing drastically as voice search grows undeniably. Even these days, we could see stats that mobile search volume dominates number of searches through desktop or PC.
As voice search is going to shape the future of SEO, mobile supportive web pages are going to rock.
Moreover, among those mobile search queries, 20% of it is voice searches. It will be hiking immensely. Another way to improve your SEO, you can include informative FAQ sections in your pages. Whatever the typed search query is not matching exactly to the tone what user’s talk. More conversational type of content will become an essential in such cases.
However, traditional SEO strategies are not going to give hands. We have to adapt to the actionable traits to adjust to the influences that voice search will make.
Another important thing, local SEO is to be a demanding one for the businesses that deal with any products or services. Thanks for the opportunity provided to share my thoughts about “Future of SEO”
Currently, we consider long tail keywords as one of the great deciding factors in bringing search traffic. The significance of it will be increasing drastically as voice search grows undeniably. Even these days, we could see stats that mobile search volume dominates number of searches through desktop or PC.
As voice search is going to shape the future of SEO, mobile supportive web pages are going to rock.
Moreover, among those mobile search queries, 20% of it is voice searches. It will be hiking immensely. Another way to improve your SEO, you can include informative FAQ sections in your pages. Whatever the typed search query is not matching exactly to the tone what user’s talk. More conversational type of content will become an essential in such cases.
However, traditional SEO strategies are not going to give hands. We have to adapt to the actionable traits to adjust to the influences that voice search will make.
Another important thing, local SEO is to be a demanding one for the businesses that deal with any products or services. Thanks for the opportunity provided to share my thoughts about “Future of SEO”
Social media profile link: twitter@trafficcrow
Website address:
8. Mike Jones
Bio: A passionate blogging profession who loves to follow more blogging experts, educate myself and help others all about blogging, SEO and WordPress.Answer: I would say these three things are going to figure out the future of SEO: User Experience, Accelerated Mobile Pages, and Artificial Intelligence.
- User Experience: Any Google algorithms or updates focus on improving user’s experience. Than any technicalities, web page design is going to be more significant. Having web pages with user’s centric content is going to win. Once you legitimate engaging users, then search engines will love you and prioritize. For which we have to standardize our analytics and statistics to understand our audience better.
- AMP: Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). These days’ mobile searches win accessing websites through computer systems. An open source initiative to get better internet experience for all the mobile users refers to AMP. It would be a significant ranking factor. Voice search will be trending which leverages the mobile SEO significance.
- Artificial Intelligence: There are lots of big shots investing and researching to match human brains with AI. Machines can understand even semantic or intent search queries. As a result of which, the search results might be more personalized to every user. Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Echo are the evidence for the growth in AI. These devices will find more applications in all sectors.
Glad to have this chance to share my views on the future scope of SEO.
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9. Janice Wald
Bio: Janice Wald is an author, a freelance writer, a blogger, and a blogging coach. She blogs at where she shares tips for bloggers and marketers. Wald has been included in over thirty expert interviews and interview panels. Her blog was nominated for the 2017 Most Informative Blog Award at the London Blogger’s Bash.Answer: What is the future of SEO? I must base that answer on the recent past. Google decided which blogs have such quality content the powerful search engine wants to show the content to its readers: links.
If people have links to their site, Google believes the content is quality and will boost content in its search engine results pages (SERPs). This was true in 2016, 2017, and again in 2018.
Therefore, based on the recent past, the future of SEO is, and will continue to be link building.
Of course, people need to build links from reputable sites. If people build links from unreputable sites, they won't boost their SEO. On the contrary, they might get penalized by Google. What is an unreputable site?
- A site that is completely unrelated to your content. Google is smart. It will look like you're trying to outsmart Google. The links must be from relevant content.
- The links must be from an https site. Google doesn't trust http sites and tells its search engine users not to trust them either.
- A site that operates using Black Hat SEO methods, Google would frown on links from there.
- Don't pay for links. It's considered Black Hat SEO.
Social media profile link: twitter@MrsPaznanski
Website address:
10. Ted Rubin
Bio: Ted Rubin is a leading Social Marketing Strategist, Keynote Speaker, CMO of Photofy, MC/HOST of Brand Innovators and their monthly Marketing Summits, and Co-Founder of Prevailing Path. In March 2009 he started using and evangelizing the term ROR, Return on Relationship, hashtag #RonR. Ted left his position as Chief Social Marketing Officer of Collective Bias on August 31, 2013. He remained a principal shareholder until the November 2016 seven-figure acquisition by Inmar. In the words of Collective Bias Co-Founder John Andrews... "Ted, you were the vision, heartbeat and soul of Collective Bias, thank you for building a great company. From innovations like social syndication engine cbSocially to the amazing relationships you built with the blogger community, clients and employees, you drove the epic growth. You will be missed!" Many people in the social media world know Ted for his enthusiastic, energetic and undeniably personal connection to people. Ted #13 on Forbes Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers, and number #2 on the Leadtail list of Top 25 People Most Mentioned by digital marketers. His books, Return on Relationship, was released January 2013, How To Look People in the Eye Digitally was released January 2105 and The Age of Influence… Selling to the Digitally Connected Customer was released in May 2017. Ted is currently writing his latest book, along with business partner and Retail Thought Leader John Andrews titled Retail Relevancy.
Answer: Social is moving to a prove it or lose it stage... so start thinking how Content IS the Ad. The importance of content in your SEO and middle funnel strategy will be critical. Social media platforms are essentially huge AI systems designed to keep users 'tuned in' by showing them things they want to see and using data to improve the success of that goal each time a user engages.
But AI isn't really that smart yet. Most AI is big data pattern recognition that gets better at predicting what they will do as more people use the systems. It's not actually 'thinking'. As the Trump media machine proved, real thinking beings can manipulate these systems with relative ease using anchor content such as a blog post, or video, bot based syndication (half of Trump's Twitter followers are fakes) and then the power of real people sharing and training the algorithms to 'think'. Add in some well-placed adds on automatic networks like Facebook and bam, media that motivates.
Brand marketers can easily do this in a less nefarious way and tune the process to eliminate endless digital spam and create awesome content that the AI algorithms connect with people along the path to purchase that might actually care. All of this is so important because shopping behavior is changing from a world where consumers go to stores to get products (walking around and finding what they need), to one where products come to consumers.
Stores aren’t going away tomorrow, but the fundamental role of a retailer is going to change over time from a physical location to a service that fits the product needs of a consumer whenever and wherever she chooses, including product discovery. What’s more, much of a future consumer’s product needs with be anticipated and automated, moving towards a friction-free experience.
The challenge for retailers and brands alike will be remaining relevant in a consumer’s mind.
The challenge for retailers and brands alike will be remaining relevant in a consumer’s mind.
The combination of the decline of the store shelf coupled with the end of push advertising effectiveness will eliminate some brands and retailers while others will thrive like never before.
RETAIL RELEVANCY will become all about SIMPLICITY... Frictionless buying IS the future of Retail. Simplicity is the new EDLP. Make it easy and... she will buy from you again, and again, and again. #RetailRelevancy
RETAIL RELEVANCY will become all about SIMPLICITY... Frictionless buying IS the future of Retail. Simplicity is the new EDLP. Make it easy and... she will buy from you again, and again, and again. #RetailRelevancy
Social media profile link: twitter@tedrubin
Website address:
11. Gaurav Kumar
Bio: Professional blogger, motivational speaker, dedicated writer and man behind Writer of complete domain name guide and featured on 150+ blogs and publications.Answer: Artificial intelligence will take care of everything when it comes to rank a site or page in Google search results. Google already using artificial intelligence to do most of the jobs related to search engine. Google algorithms help it find the taste, habits, and behavior of the user. Google's rankbrain is already running to filter the results.
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is the need of the time. Search engine giant understands the importance of mobile users. Smartphone users are increasing like anything, and that is why Google wants webmasters to focus on designing mobile first websites.
I can easily predict that Google Accelerated Mobile pages will become a ranking factor. If you give a close look, then you will find that AMP pages rank better in Google search results on mobile.
Top quality user experience will always be the priority of search engines. Google and other search engines will be more focused on filtering out low quality and spammy content to create the place for healthy content in search results. Copy content and spun content are already out of the robust content dictionary. It is the time that webmasters should focus on detailed content.
So don't try to trick the Google or any other search engine. They are getting smarter and know you better than your parents.
Social media profile link: facebook@eAskMe
Website address:
12. Akshay Hallur
Bio: Akshay Hallur is a digital marketer, blogger and a trainer. He is the founder of InfoSparkle, GoBloggingTips and many other online ventures. He's been into digital marketing game from 2013. He helps other aspiring digital marketers to get a headstart in their career.Answer: As you may have been noticing SEO is moving more and more towards quality of the content rather than the on-page optimization and links you do. Many people often report me that the are getting good traffic with only quality content is good low competitive niche.
SEO will transform as Google is leveraging AI and machine learning to make out the quality of the content as we humans do. It will both be good and bad. The quality content will be rewarded and at the same time short term blogging strategies cease to work. If you have mediocre content, it'll slip down the SERPs.
Getting links from topically relevant sites will matter more than ever.
Google is rewarding content which answers all the possible questions in a topic in a single in-depth blog post. So, the desired word count has been increased from 500 words (when I started blogging) to 5000 words in the recent years. Only the insightful content will start ranking at top 5 positions.
Focus on writing insightful content over presenting factual information. I see many bloggers starting blog in things like toll free numbers, celebrity net-worth stuff like that. The thing is that factual blogs like this can be killed by Google Snippets overnight.
It's very essential to spread your eggs and keep an eye on Google research AI developments, to anticipate how the SEO transforms.
SEO will never be dead, but it'll be transformed and old strategies will be replaced with new ones.
Social media profile link: facebook@akshayhallur
Website address:
13. Jason Acidre
Bio: Jason Acidre is the Co-founder of ThreeBestAnswer: The trend in SEO from since I started doing it - is pretty much the same up to now, where the practice itself is consistently getting even more difficult. Google has been testing and implementing a lot of changes.
For one, featured snippets (or rank #0) offer a ton of advantage to clear winners, but requires the best content that solves/answers a certain query to really get to that result.
Then there's mobile-first, rankbrain, and other constant improvements being added to their core search algorithm.
All these obviously imply that in order to really succeed in SEO, marketers should have a solid grasp of the best practices for both the technical and creative side of the discipline. This will allow you to stay ahead, and be secure with whatever changes may occur in the future.
Social media profile link: twitter@JasonAcidre
Website address:
14. Anil Agarwal
Bio: SEO Expert and Blogger at Bloggers PassionAnswer: I think the future of SEO depends more on artificial intelligence and voice search. So if you want to get the most out of SEO in the future, make sure to start focusing on podcasts and improving your website for voice search.
Also make sure to focus on giving better content to your target audience by finding their "search intent". There's no point in ranking for a keyword without knowing their intent.
The better you understand your target audience, the better rankings you can get.
Make sure to learn SEO as soon as possible to find out the latest trends and follow top SEO blogs in your industry.
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15. Fervil Von Tripoli
Bio: Fervil Von is a digital marketing specialist in Philippines with 8 years of mixed experience in search engine marketing. He co-founded SEMblitz, a search marketing agency which provides complete SEM solution for SMB’s.Answer: Over the years, SEO has been in constant evolution.
8 years ago you could dominate in ranking through spamming massive into your money site, regardless of the quality of links you throw in.
The SERP is able to accept sh*t pages in first page ranking back then.
Nowadays, spamming links towards your money site would become a waste of effort because it won’t move a needle towards pushing your rankings and could probably bring alter effect to some extent.
Looking at the development of Google back then until now, you will see how this search engine behave and where it will lead. Quantity towards quality.
Here are the things that I anticipate to happen in the future:
- SEO will still get higher click throughs vs. paid ads in the next 5 years
- SEO specialists will likely focus more on mobile results vs. desktop
- CTR will play a bigger role as a ranking factor
- Pagespeed will not become an option as UX is one of Google's priority. We may see growth in number of progressive web apps.
- Prevalence of SERP features, top stories and featured snippets vs. organic ranking
- SERP competition will be fiercer. The pages which will be on first page are pages with extraordinary content. Google’s search results becomes better because of competition.
- Voice search will become the big next big thing
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16. Ali Raza
Bio: Digital Marketing Blogger, Trainer and ConsultantAnswer: Although Search engines usually have more than 100 updates in any particular year, but i believe these are minor tweaks and changes.
If you ask me on how do you see search engines performing in future, I believe the future lies' with voice search, artificial intelligence. Better integration of voice, video and content on single page thus making it easier for the user to select his own preference.
People who think that the value of content will be eliminated over the years, i completely disagree with it. Because you can't elaborate examples, references and pictures without content.
Social media profile link: twitter@aarsheikh
Website address:
17. Chris Makara
Bio: Digital Marketing Strategist & Bulkly Founder [ ] - Ambidextrous bowler skilled in SEO, Social Media, Automation & Analytics.Answer: I think the future of search is going to really lean on voice. What I mean is that with the increase of voice commands, we will see people performing their Google searches like never before. There will likely be a shift in more Q&A searches as well as some really extreme long tail searches.
And with this shift, it will be important to create content that not only informs but also answers common questions users may have on the topic. This type of approach will position your content to not only target your core keyword phrase but the semantic search phrases around questions on that topic.
Social media profile link: twitter@chrismakara
Website address:
18. Shane Barker
Bio: Shane Barker is a digital marketing consultant who specializes in influencer marketing, product launches, sales funnels, targeted traffic, and website conversions. He has consulted with Fortune 500 companies, influencers with digital products, and a number of A-List celebrities.Answer: The SEO industry is constantly evolving. Back in the day, it was just viewed as a small part of the digital marketing industry. But now, it has become a key determinant of the success and failure of any digital marketing campaign.
There is constant and fierce competition among brands and marketers to stay ahead in the SEO race. Every year, as major search engines upgrade their algorithms, we get to see a lot of new SEO trends and techniques.
Let’s take a quick look into what the future of search engine optimization looks like:
- AMP will become an important ranking signal due to Google’s emphasis on mobile first indexing.
- Schema markup will take the center stage.
- More and more marketers will optimize their content for personalized feature-rich snippets.
- User-generated content will become a prime factor in determining the quality and ranking of a page as already been emphasized by Google.
- User experience will impact search engine rankings.
- Voice search will account for a larger fraction of the search ecosystem.
- Google’s focus on TrustRank will drive marketers towards legit, credible, and deep links.
- Rankbrain optimization will become a norm, rather than an exception.
- With more and more people using ad blockers, SEO professionals will now focus more on development of native content.
- SEO will seamlessly integrate with PR.
Website address:
19. Jeff Ferguson
Bio: Jeff Ferguson is the CEO and Founder of Fang Digital Marketing (, a boutique digital advertising media agency, specializing in search engine and social media marketing, and much more. With over 20 years of online marketing experience, Jeff has led the online marketing efforts for companies such as Hilton Hotels, Kimberly-Clark, InterActiveCorp, Experian, and Napster. Jeff’s clients have also included renowned brands such as Belkin, Billabong, CBS, eHarmony, JustFab, Murad, Paychex, PetSmart, Popcornopolis, The Smithsonian, Stila Cosmetics, ThriveMarket, and Sony. Honored as one of PPC Hero’s “Top 25 Most Influential PPC Experts” for the three years in a row, Jeff Ferguson is no stranger to the industry speaking circuits throughout the US, Europe, and Asia. Jeff is a regular presenter at Ad:tech, AllFacebook Expo, Conversion Conference, eMetrics, Search Marketing Expo (SMX), Digital Hollywood, Online Marketing Summit (OMS), Consumer Electronics Show (CES), and Search Engine Strategies (SES), where he also served as a member of the advisory board. Additionally, Jeff has volunteered his time for the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) and Digital Analytics Associations (DAA) on both the national and regional levels, where he serves as a board member of the Los Angeles chapter.Answer: The future of SEO is its demise.
Search Engine Optimization never really existed in the first place - it is essentially a collection of marketing and site development best practices that any self-respecting website owner should be doing anyway because we exist in a time when search engines exist.
These best practices have been repackaged and renamed and have been spooking those without the understanding of the matter for decades... but not for very much longer.
Within a few years, the larger corporations will come to understand that the various pieces of the SEO puzzle can be redistributed to various roles throughout their organization and the concept as SEO as a separate entity will simply fade away.
This will trickle down to smaller businesses over time, eventually doing away with the need for "SEO experts" and companies, their roles reduced to notes to the website engineers, "Oh, and this is also good for search engine exposure."
Social media profile link: twitter@countxero
Website address:
20. Shounak Gupte
Bio: Melbourne based SEO ConsultantAnswer: Marketing Plan
Complete Marketing plan will replace just a simple SEO strategy. Your marketing plan should include On-page optimization, Off-page strategies, Social, Paid, Advertising etc.
Optimize for users:
You should also concentrate on optimizing your website for users rather than concentrating too much on keywords and topics. Better website structure, UX and load times will get better visibility in SERPs.
Voice Search:
Voice search will keep gaining popularity. Marketers and bloggers will have to think outside the box to optimize websites to get more traffic from voice.
Website address:
21. Jimmy Rodriguez
Bio: COO & Co-founder of 3dcart, a leading shopping cart software. As an ecommerce authority, he’s focused on helping internet retailers succeed online by developing strategies, actionable plans and customer experiences that grow and improve performance.Answer: I see two futures for SEO: voice search and snippets based search results. Businesses will soon have to optimize for keywords based on how people talk rather than how people type.
Voice search is growing year over year and search engine optimization will change to mimic it. Also, click through rates are falling fast year by year due to Google’s snippet results.
When visitors get their questions answered they don't see a need to search further. Google is only getting better at it and users are living it, which means SEO’s out there will have not only optimize for snippets, but for click throughs if they want to be successful.
Social media profile link: @jimmy3dcart
Website address: 3dcart
Wrapping it up
It turns out that the future of SEO is about Voice Search and optimization for smartwatches and AI systems.
So, if you are looking to optimize your websites having Future SEO best practices in mind then make sure your content is searchable as per the voice commands.
We were able to convince these masters and experts in the SEO industry and asked them the same questions "What is the Future of SEO" and as they answered, we have added their answers here.
If you need more information regarding this SEO expert roundup or want to get yourself featured in this list of experts then contact us using the contact form you can access from the footer menu.
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