7 Tips for Ranking Higher on Google

Google has listed various reasons due to which your website could end up ranking very low on the Search Engine Results Page (SERPs) which is extensive to read.
So here are 7 essential tips to enforce for your website to rank high on Google.
1. Optimize Your Titles Tags And Meta Description
Title Tags are the first thing that the user views when they search for something.A creative title tag is what makes them click and see your website. Your page should have a title tag with a descriptive meta description that matches with the user intent.
It should also convince them that the page will give them relevant information and solve their query.
Optimizing all your title tags by adding a primary keyword that matches user intent is the way to go.
Having the primary keywords indicates Google what your page is about and ranking your website for the query having that keyword.
2. Writing Quality Content
The content on your website should be of good quality matching the user intent and making the user want to read the rest of your content.A lot of time websites have content that is very short, do not contain relevant information and aren’t readable making the reader leave the page instantly.
This is a cause of concern because it could increase the bounce rate of a visitor signaling Google.
Writing content that contains keywords matching the intent of the user with a definite structure and grammatically correct is vital.
3. Enhancing The Page Speed
The page speed decides the experience of the visitor on your website.If your page takes longer to load, the user leaves the page to visit the next one.
This impacts your website negatively as it indicates your site is not high quality and signals Google of the low quality.
Google holds page speed as a significant criterion for ranking high in search results.
The ideal page speed has to be three seconds. Page speed more than that and the user has left your website.
4. Creating A Mobile-Friendly Website
Usage of smartphones has increased leading to more people using the mobile version of a website rather than a desktop one.Optimizing your page for the mobile version is a criterion set by Google for ranking high which makes it very vital.
More users leaving your site could imply irrelevant or lousy content.
Also, making your page mobile optimized for all device types and size is crucial for good user experience. This means having a mobile-friendly content as well.
Due to responsive design, your website display will resize according to the size of the screen making the content differ in appearance.
So the images, as well as the content, should be created to adapt to the mobile version.
5. Using HTTPS
HTTPS allows secure and authorized movement of the user on the web browser by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) giving an extra layer of safety.Google trusts sites that are certified and secure and offers a higher preference to websites with HTTPS.
The benefits of HTTPS are encryption of data during transactions and tampering of data can be tracked.
Switching to HTTPS gives you a ranking advantage on the search results and also preserves the confidentiality of the visitor.
Whatever SSL certificate you select, it should be matched with the site’s necessity, for example, if the site carries multiple subdomains pertaining to the main domain then, a wildcard SSL certificate is necessary to protect the site. It is necessary to look at the number of domains and subdomains.
6. Building High-Quality Backlinks
Backlinks are links that lead you from the present website to another new website.Such backlinks are a good indicator of authority to signal Google which is the primary reason for having them. Backlinks also show that your site is popular or important with respect to search engines.
Google finds new pages by crawling through these links and indexes them on your website.
This is why having backlinks from high authority pages becomes necessary in SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Choosing the right type of pages is also vital.
Having backlinks from entirely unrelated pages from a different niche, a large number of backlinks from certain sites and not keeping backlink diversity could lower your rankings on Google.
To know how to get quality backlinks from an SEO expert, click here.
7. Having Search-Friendly URLs
Keeping the URLs to a minimum limit is vital.Using keywords related to the topic in the URLs, making it readable, canonicalizing two URLs of the same intent, avoiding cryptic content and matching the URLs with the title are some important points to remember while creating your URLs.
This makes the user experience better turning it into a plus point for you.
Another advantage is that simple URLs gives Google crawler more information compared to cryptic URLs.
These are the 7 vital points that cover methods through which you can get ranked high on the SERPs and that need to be considered while creating your web-page.Ranking high can become easier by implementing these simple points but remember to abide by the Google guidelines to get high ranking and leading you to high traffic.