Employees That Work from Home Are Unproductive (Survey Results)

Employees That Work from Home Are Unproductive (Survey Results)

Working from home looks like a blessing in today's world but there's a lot we can learn about it. A survey conducted by SellCell.com resulted in a surprise when 8 in 10 employees who work from home admit a lack of productivity and the major cause was social media networking using their smartphones. This is the number one reason why working at home is an unproductive way of doing the business or a job that could be more yielding when done at an office or workspace.

They did the survey with 2000+ US-based remote workers who are new to this option and then beautifully described the results in a detailed infographic (we have attached it below). As some people might be thinking that its the easiest way to do a job, some are living this situation and they understand how hard it is to work at home when you have a smartphone, a child, or even a single distraction that can easily catch a few hours from your daily work routine that results in low productivity levels.

Employees That Work from Home Are Unproductive - Infographic:

Employees That Work from Home Are Unproductive - Infographic
infographic by sellcell.com

Some of the shocking results of this survey tell:

  • Over 43% of WFH employees visit adult sites during the work
  • Over 61% of work at home employees say, their number one distraction is social media
  • Over 28% explained the overeating as a problem of remote working

You can read all the stats and figures on the infographic and share it with your employees to make them feel good.