10 Best Freelance Websites to Work from Home

We can use the best freelance websites to get unlimited online job opportunities that pay per hour and per project and work remotely.

10 Best Freelance Websites to Work from Home

If you are unaware of how to work from home and make money when not going outside, you are leaving the money on the table and running a far behind the whole world of limitless jobs where almost everybody could earn a handsome income. You can even work for just a couple of hours and make thousands of dollars per month. Yes, doing nothing but freelancing. This is the true potential of freelancing and it's a do-able thing when you have got a skill. Any skill such as copywriting, graphic designing, social media marketing, app development, or whatever you can do, it's a skill that can pay you on per hour or per project basis and it is what calls freelancing or you can say remote work.

As we said, we can join the best freelancing websites to take a jump-start, you can be a full-time freelancer on these platforms or use your free profiles as a side job that makes you earn a side income without sacrificing your day-dreaming or fun-times.

There's another goodie of these top freelancing websites as you can simply hire freelancers for your own projects and even outsource your freelance work and do whatever you are in love with. You can get a strong grip on your work from home tasks and hire a professional who is all-ready to work for you, on your own terms and conditions.

So, to make it clear, whether you need a freelancing platform for earning money or hiring talent online, you can see the list of top 10 best freelancing sites for beginners and professional users, even agencies can rely on these websites. Use these genuine freelancing sites as a platform for starting, managing, and growing your income or your personal business:

1. Upwork

10 Best Freelance Websites to Work from Home

Available to everyone around the globe, this freelancing site is famous for high-ticket gigs and freelancers on this platform are earning thousands of dollars per-project basis. With long-term contracts, professionals with complete skill-sets are using Upwork to work for tech giants such as Microsoft, P&G (Procter & Gamble), and more. The platform is simple yet wonderful having a system where employers post a job and influencers place their offers, then the employers can accept and freelancers can start working on the project as per the required/selected payment options.

They have integrated the seamless text and video chat system to the platform that freelancers and employers can use to communicate and focus on the projects.

2. Toptal

10 Best Freelance Websites to Work from Home

Unlike the Upwork platform, Toptal is not for everyone. This freelance job site is at the next level for pro-professionals ready to work for high-ticket and high-end projects that industry-leading companies and giants are creating. Creating an account and lending a job at Toptal is really hard, but it's worth it and you can simply do better than any other freelancing site.

No matter what you do from front-end developers to product designers and copywriters to product management or whatever you can do best. They will evaluate your skills and will help you connect with top-tier companies that are paying handsome salaries to freelancers around the globe and the best thing is, you are still working from home and be Virtually There as an official or on-contract employee.

Having lucrative jobs, they require you to pass an online screening exercise (entry test) and they make sure that you are a good personality who is capable of doing what you are saying you can do better than others. They will not offer you a project unless you make them believe in your skills.

3. People Per Hour

10 Best Freelance Websites to Work from Home

Time is money - Benjamin Franklin. Yes, and the best freelance site is making it a reality for all of the freelancers who are looking to get paid per hour. They have hundreds of hourly paying jobs that a freelancer having some experience can easily do. This platform is being used by over 1 million businesses who hire talent online on an hourly basis and they pay well for your work. You have to be able to communicate with the prospects and make sure you can easily talk in the English language as this is an international platform, everybody is talking in English as a perfect language to communicate. Plus, you will get job ratings that will help you get more high paying jobs as a freelancer. You can do whatever you are better at from content writing to website designing and voice-overs to filmmaking or video editing, almost everything.

Behind their platform's success, they are focusing on employers and providing them the best tool that they can use to easily hire relative freelancers and complete the tasks easily and on time.

4. Fiverr

10 Best Freelance Websites to Work from Home

This is a platform that is responsible for making the online community know about freelancing and this is the platform for beginners. Yes, if you are looking for the best freelance site for beginners, you can simply signup on Fiverr and create a free account, create a free gig and that's it. Now, wait for getting a job. All you have to do is make sure your gig is completely providing information about your offered services and it doesn't lack the information other freelancers have provided in the same-gigs. You can also submit custom offers from the Buyer Requests section and it will be beneficial for you to get started in the freelance industry.

Starting from $5 per task, you can charge $100 or whatever you want to charge on a per task basis. This platform is big and currently the most famous freelancing site around the world.

5. Freelancer

10 Best Freelance Websites to Work from Home

As the name suggests, it's everything about freelancing on Freelancer. They are providing the best ways to easily get freelance jobs and anybody from the freelancer's world can join this network of online freelance jobs. From corporate hires to simple and small tasks, you can offer any service as they have a lot of employers who are ready to offer you a good compensation for your tasks. With a live chat functionality, companies are posting daily jobs and you as a freelancer can bid on them, there are many other freelancers who are bidding for the same jobs, so you can update your profile with your previous work as a portfolio and make an impressive bid to get accepted. After getting accepted by an employer, you can simply complete the job and get paid for that.

During the work, you can inform your hirer about your progress and can communicate to do your job as beautifully as possible. It is an easy platform for all types of freelancers.

6. Guru

10 Best Freelance Websites to Work from Home

A simple and interesting freelance platform where you can create an account and get yourself verified by Guru then you can find jobs as working on Guru is simple. Employers post a job, you find it and send your quote, if interested, the employer will accept and you work on the project, you complete and send the work, Guru then releases your payment to your account. They also built WorkRooms to collaborate with freelancer-employer on projects that helps every one to get the jobs done in an easy and complete way.

Used by over 3 million people, this genuine freelancing website is perfect for you to get noticed as they showcase your feedback scores on your profile with lifetime earnings that also help you lend more high-ticket jobs.

7. HubStaff

10 Best Freelance Websites to Work from Home

Some of the most popular freelance sites could really make you happy and rich and still, they are charging high commissions, as all of the above listed sites are charging commissions, and they worth it. But, if in case you are fed-up with using top freelancing sites and paying them high commissions, well, most of the freelancers turn to outsource agencies that help them find clients that they don't have to pay commissions for and keep on working form them without having a third party in between them. We can use a platform that is made for such a purpose. Yes, Hubstaff is totally free and currently up for freelancers to join the platform for free and employers to find the best talent online for free without any commissions or fees. 

8. Aquent

10 Best Freelance Websites to Work from Home

With some advancements of auto-matching clients and auto-tagging the projects with a focus on creative and marketing freelancing projects, this freelance site is best for freelancers who are interested in working on creative projects. They are using some sort of AI features into their platform and this is making them unique in the freelancing industry. Join them and feel their exciting platform that is being loved by the companies around the globe.

9. Dribbble

10 Best Freelance Websites to Work from Home

Without having any physical headquarter, dribbble is the best example of work from home and also a free social media platform for freelancers who are into the creative and graphics industry. You can submit and share your skills or projects on the platform and also get hired on the same platform as they are providing jobs and recruiting platform where companies are looking for the talented freelancers to work with them for a long-run and large projects. You can get hired and work for top-tier companies with large sums of money.

10. Scripted

10 Best Freelance Websites to Work from Home

Founded in 2006 and having an 80,000+ userbase, this is a great online marketplace for freelance writers who are best at writing blogs and articles and even social media posts. This platform is best for writers who are looking to get paid on a per-project or per task basis. Focusing on scriptwriting, this is the best platform for freelancers having interests and skills in professional writing.

So, these are the top 10 best freelancing websites to work from home and make a living out of the skills that you can provide as online services to clients around the globe and get paid via PayPal, Bank Accounts, or other gateways available to you.