How To Help Your Team Beats Imposter Syndrome
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Competitiveness in the workplace may pose a challenge for an individual to prove his or her worth. However, the stiffness of the competition may eventually affect the level of self-esteem of the employee. Eventually, the feeling that he or she is not at par with his colleagues will creep into his or her senses. Once the low self-esteem creeps into the nerves of the employee, it will affect the quality of his or her output.
This feeling of low self-esteem by an employee is being referred to as the imposter syndrome. There is no general category as to which type an employee can be affected by the imposter syndrome. For it can inflict anyone regardless of his status in the company. It may affect a “newbie” for the feeling of inadequacy in comparison to the high caliber top brass executive, and it can be the reverse wherein the top brass executive may felt insecure as to the potential of the newbie.
Having a low self-esteem will make the employee put doubts as to his capability of taking and performing his or her job and thereby might entertain the idea that he or she is a “fraud.” The feeling creeps in and makes them feel that they are not good to their position and the fear that the company might found out and may, in the worst scenario, get them fired by the company.
Bodily Manifestations or Cues of The Person Having the Imposter Syndrome
This feeling will be coupled with anxiety, insecurity, and the feeling of restlessness. Restlessness may be associated to the person having this syndrome, for he would strive “harder” to prove himself up to the extent of being a “perfectionist.”
There are body cues being exhibited by an individual experiencing the imposter syndrome, such as the following;
1. Undermining one’s achievement
Wherein accomplishment in the job is not being taken as a direct result of his expertise but rather be considered as a matter of a lucky streak. It is putting a serious doubt as to one’s capability that even sharing the accomplishment to his colleagues is not being considered as a good idea.
2. Setting unrealistic goals
The goal is being set as a challenge to oneself that achieving it entails exhausting and draining one’s energy; however, when the goal is not being achieved, the employee will take it as a confirmation that he or she is not that good.
3. Fear of Failing
Low self-esteem is being coupled with the constant fear of failing for the logical reason that the person is not secure as to what he or she is doing. Such a mindset will make one continuously prove himself or herself up to the extent of exhausting his or her physical energy.
This imposter syndrome affects everyone, and it hunts their system. It may be taken as something that is personal to the employee, but eventually, it will affect the productivity of the company. There may be a decrease in the level of productivity for the employee experiencing an imposter syndrome who will feel “burnt out,” depression, social isolation, and the lack of career growth.
When the workplace is being infiltrated by the imposter syndrome, it will greatly affect the company’s performance. Thereby, it is a must to identify among the employees who is the “one” experiencing that kind of syndrome.
With the identified body mechanism, you can make an assessment if a certain employee is undergoing the imposter syndrome and resort to some ways in which you can help the employee beat the imposter syndrome.
Ways on How You Can Help Your Team Beats Imposter Syndrome
You can help your team beat imposter syndrome through corporate mentorship program and following these tips:
1. Feedback given must be specific and precise
Having in mind that an employee experiencing the syndrome is sensitive both to positive and negative feedback, a positive feedback will make them feel that it was not the result of their effort and hard work. Meanwhile, the negative feedback is viewed as an affirmation of their inadequacy.
You might be caught in the crossroad on how to deliver your feedback properly but in order not to be misunderstood and triggers their low self-esteem the feedback must be specified directly pointing to the “particular act” performed by the employee for which he deserves the positive comment and the same thing with the negative comment. But in delivering the negative feedback, extra-tactfulness must be observed and carefully balance the negative feedback with something that is positive.
2. Assuming responsibility to one’s mistakes
“Walk the talk” if you want your team to believe in you and for them to start believing in their potential, you must lead them by setting an example through the act of assuming your mistakes. This act will make your employee realize that it is perfectly right to commit mistakes as long as the person knows how to assume the consequences of his mistakes. Committing mistakes is part of professional growth, and learning from them will make an individual a better person.
3. Team building
Team building may be considered as something that is traditional. Still, it is through the team-building activities that each employee may be able to understand and personally get to know their colleagues.
Through the team-building activities, you can effectively help the employee have imposter syndrome. The person will be able to realize that his colleagues are his or her friends and not as “competitors” that will drag them down.
4. Establish trust relationship among the employees
The “trusting culture” in the workplace is essential in order for the employee to build a trusting relationship. This “trusting relationship” is important, especially for the employee having imposter syndrome. It can be established in the workplace through the one to one meetings.
This type of meeting will give you an opportunity to know your employees, their personal issues and concerns. Opening up oneself through a non-formal conversation will create a bond and improve communication. An established “trusting relationship” and “open communication” may eventually boost the confidence of your employee and thereby improving the productivity of your company.