Why You Shouldn’t Spend a Fortune on a Wildcard SSL

Why You Shouldn’t Spend a Fortune on a Wildcard SSL
Photo by Nikita Belokhonov from Pexels

Thinking about going for a Wildcard SSL but are put off by the prices? We’re here to tell you that even if you choose the cheapest wildcard SSL available, you should still have just as good encryption on your sites as if you got the most expensive Wildcard SSL. Read on to find out why.

Expense ≠ more strength

While Wildcard SSL certificates tend to be more expensive than other SSL types, it’s for a good reason (which we’ll talk more about later). However, you’ve probably noticed that some SSL stores charge far more for Wildcard SSLs than others. Why is this? Well, mainly because they can. One thing you should know right off the bat is:

The price of an SSL certificate never dictates how strong its encryption level is.

Most modern SSL certificates on the market today offer 256-bit encryption. This is regardless of validation level, brand, and, of course, cost. So when a website tells you that their SSLs have the strongest encryption in the world, it’s all just a marketing ploy — basically, any store offering SSL certificates could say this. There’s nothing unique or special about it.

What you should look for in an SSL provider

For some products, price is an indication of higher quality. SSL certificates do not fall into this category. The most important thing to research before deciding to buy is the reputation of the store and their quality of service. Read reviews, check out their customer service hours, and find out their partner Certificate Authority (CA). Research the CA and make sure major web browsers trust it. If not, your site may not be considered trustworthy, which is the last thing you want after buying an SSL.

What are the benefits of Wildcard SSLs, anyway?

Since you’re reading this, you probably already have some knowledge of Wildcard SSLs, but here’s a reminder. A Wildcard SSL encrypts the connections to a primary domain and multiple subdomains of one level linked to it. Usually, the number of subdomains you can have on a Wildcard is unlimited. Once you install it on the server, it automatically protects your domain and every subdomain you have. It will even safeguard any subdomain you add later without you having to do a thing.

Although Wildcards can be a little more pricey than other SSL types, it’s worth it if you have a lot of subdomains or you plan on creating more in future. When you’re securing scores of subdomains, it’s far easier to keep track of the expiration date of one certificate than multiple if you were to try to secure them all individually. The more subdomains you have, the more cost-effective a Wildcard SSL becomes in the long run.


With Wildcard SSLs costing a little more than other SSL types, why pay more if you don’t have to? As long as you put some research and thought into it, you should be able to find a more affordable Wildcard that’s just as good as its more expensive equivalent.