How to Increase Your Pay in a Customer Service Job

The median salary for a customer service representative in the United States is approximately $36,000 annually, which is only slightly more than half of the average median household income. With rising living costs, it’s only natural to question whether you can increase your pay in such a role and enjoy a more comfortable living situation. As awkward as it can be to seek a higher salary, you might stand a good chance of earning more money in your customer service job by taking these actions: 

How to Increase Your Pay in a Customer Service Job

Seeking Employment Elsewhere

If there are no opportunities for growth or pay raises in your current role, consider browsing the internet for the highest-paying customer service jobs. It might surprise you how easily your skills can be transferred to another customer service job with a more generous pay packet. 

For example, a standard customer service representative job might secure earnings of $40,000 or more per year, while you might earn upwards of $50,000 working as a technical support analyst or help desk agent. Now might be the right time to update your resume and start applying for new jobs. 

Ask for a Raise

Sometimes, earning more in a customer service job can be as easy as asking for more money. Your employer might not realize you’re unhappy with your current pay packet but wants to ensure they don’t lose you as a valuable employee. In that case, you can arrange a meeting, make your request known, and get what you want. In a worst-case scenario, you don’t get a pay rise, and you can start seeking employment elsewhere. 

If you’ve decided to choose this option, consider writing notes about your reasons for deserving a pay rise. You might bring practical and technical skills and value to their company, or you haven’t had a pay review in several years, and you’re being underpaid compared to industry standards. 


Many people accept minimum wage jobs in the United States because they lack recognized skills, qualifications, or credentials to justify a higher income. However, starting on minimum wage doesn’t mean you have to remain on minimum wage. 

You might be able to earn more in a customer service job by upskilling and showing your employer that you’re dedicated to your job and want to be the best you can be. Look for online courses you can take to enhance your skills, or even consider management courses that might see you in the running for management positions in your company as they become available in the future. 

Upskilling not only benefits you, but it can also benefit your employer. They get to take advantage of your newfound skills to increase their productivity and profit while you can use your skills to negotiate a better pay rate. In a worst-case scenario where you can’t move up the ranks or get the pay rate you deserve, you can take your skills to a new job where you’re valued and appreciated. 

Take On More Responsibilities

In the era of quiet quitting, we’re being encouraged to act our wage and not do anything more than our job descriptions entail. While this is an appropriate approach for people who don’t see pay rises in their future, you might take a different approach if you believe you might be able to earn more in your role. 

By taking on more responsibility and helping your coworkers, you can prove to your boss that you’re a valued team member and bring great value to their company. With this evidence in hand, you might be in a stronger position to request a reasonable pay rise with no pushback from the management team. 

Examine Market Averages

You might not be getting paid a wage you believe is fair simply because your employer isn’t aware that they’re not already. Look at market averages and compare the salaries and benefits offered by other businesses with similar roles to yours. When you have this proof, you can approach your employer and tell them that your current salary doesn’t match what you could be earning with your skills and experience. 

When taking this approach, you’re potentially in a strong position to get what you want. When an employer realizes you can get paid more elsewhere, they might be more inclined to give you what you need to retain you as an employee. Otherwise, they’ll likely be aware that you can leave their business and work for another, taking your skills and experience with you. 

Increasing your pay in a customer service job doesn’t have to be as complicated as you think it will be. While you are never guaranteed a pay rise, there are many things you can do to improve your chances of getting one and make your life more comfortable.