Safeguarding Your Health with STD Tests
The topic of STD tests can often be an uneasy conversation among men.
However, the ease with which an STD test singapore is performed means that it shouldn't be something that people have any problems discussing with their doctor.

It doesn't matter if you're monogamous or if you have an active dating life; getting routinely checked for sexually transmitted diseases is a must.
How are STD tests performed?
The most common way an STD test is performed is by taking blood. A nurse will take your blood as if checking your cholesterol. Sometimes, urine tests are required, or you may need to have your throat or genital area swabbed.
The least invasive STD tests are those that are purely visual. A doctor will look at your genitals for any visible signs of warts, sores, or anything else out of the ordinary. They'll eyeball your junk to see if anything seems out of place and will then be able to determine if there's a reason for alarm.
What are the most common STDs men get?
Chlamydia is probably the number one STD that men have. The problem with chlamydia is that most men don't even know that they have it. You could pass it on to your partners without knowing it until it's too late.
You might be surprised to learn that gonorrhea also rarely shows any symptoms in men. It's one of those STDs that can easily get passed from men to women without the man ever knowing they have it. Usually, the only time a man knows he has gonorrhea is when his partner comes down with it.
Human Papillomavirus, or HPV, as many people refer to it, is another condition to be concerned about. It can take the form of genital warts or even some forms of cancer. The scariest thing about HPV is that you can have it and not even know it. Several strains of HPV have no symptoms at all, and the only time you know you have it is when things go awry.
Herpes and HIV round out the most commonly tested sexually transmitted diseases. You'll know if you have herpes because you'll have sores on or around your penis. It's not pleasant at all. HIV, well, you may not know you have that in the beginning. However, if untreated, HIV will turn into AIDS, and that's no fun.
Let's not forget syphilis. Syphilis is what did in Al Capone, but if you catch it early, it's not so bad. Early treatment of syphilis is crucial if you don't want to end up like the Chicago mobster. Your doctor will be able to spot that you get this sickness long before it takes hold.
How often should you get checked?
The frequency of the STD tests you receive should solely be dependent on your sex life. If you have one partner and they, too, only have one sexual partner, getting tested once a year is completely fine. If you are the type who has an active dating life with multiple sex partners, you'll want to get tested much more often.
How often should someone get tested if they regularly have multiple sex partners? Every three to six months is something that you should consider. There's no downside to getting checked frequently, and you'll be able to stop an STD in its tracks if you catch it early. Well, that depends on the STD; chlamydia, for example, is something that you can put an end to. If you have HIV, your only hope here is to maintain your health and make sure you don't spread it to others.
Don't fall into the no-symptoms trap
Many of you reading this right now will immediately conclude that you don't have anything to worry about because you don't feel any symptoms. Why get tested if you feel like a million bucks? You need to get tested so you don't unknowingly spread diseases to others. That hot Saturday night date could end up being hotter for her if she ends up with a fever after catching an STD from you.
Just because you feel fine doesn't mean everything is. You should be routinely checked so that you know for your own peace of mind that you're okay. It's also a good idea to discuss with your doctor any sexual issues you're having, such as erectile dysfunction, when scheduling an STD test. This is the perfect time to talk about any sexual issues you are having and remember; your doctor won't blush because they've seen and heard it all.
Sexual health is just as important as anything else
Men often overlook the need to take their sexual health seriously. The only time some men consider their sexual health is when things don't work the way they should.
Regular STD tests are a must, and if you have multiple sex partners, getting tested often very well could save your life.