OpenAI announces GPT 4o (Omnimodel of ChatGPT)

OpenAI Spring Update brings updates to ChatGPT 4 and GPT 4o is now available not only inside ChatGPT but also in the API.

The latest product update from OpenAI called GPT 4o ("omnimodel") is capable of working with text, audio, and photo all in one place and with that OpenAI is promoting the free ChatGPT dashboard to GPT-4 for free for everyone.

OpenAI announces GPT 4o (Omnimodel of ChatGPT)

In a move that could revolutionize human-computer interaction, OpenAI has announced a trifecta of advancements: the introduction of a free desktop app for their favorite ChatGPT tool, a totally redesigned user interface, and the new AI model, GPT 4o, which is faster and more powerful than its predecessor, GPT-4.

This news comes from OpenAI's livestreaming event on Youtube and updates on X (formerly Twitter) by AI community, fueled by recent tweets from industry leaders like Kenny Le (@kennyle31) and Nathaniel Whittemore (@nlw).

"This is a huge step forward for OpenAI," said industry analyst Piyush Bhasarkar (@TechKard). "Making a powerful model like GPT-4o free and accessible through a user-friendly desktop app will democratize AI in a way we haven't seen before."

ChatGPT 4o can also see, read and fix your code, it can also translate into any language with a live translation feature.

However, the anticipated AI-powered search engine by OpenAI is not announced yet.

Key Takeaways:

  • Free Desktop App: Users can now interact with ChatGPT's advanced AI capabilities directly from their desktops, eliminating the need for web browsing.
  • Enhanced User Interface: A streamlined interface promises a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.
  • GPT 4o: The Omnimodel Arrives: This next-generation AI model boasts significantly faster processing while excelling in text, visual, and audio tasks. Experts like Jainil Prajapati (@enough_jainil) believe GPT-4o represents an "intelligence level equivalent to GPT-4" but with substantial improvements.
  • GPT 4o Can Scan and Understand Anything: You can now open ChatGPT app on your phone or laptop and ask to capture anything, explain it and it will do it innstantly.
  • GPT 4o Can Understand Code: ChatGPT's latest update to GPT 4o is now capable of understanding and even fixing your coding
  • Live Translations: ChatGPT 4o can easily translation your voice or text into any language in real-time.

The CTO of OpenAI, Mira Murati, is going to talk more about the technical aspects of GPT-4 in the upcoming presentation, as shown by the tweets from Piyush Bhasarkar (@TechKard). 

This progress can be very influential on various sectors, for instance, in the field of education and research, creative industries and customer service. The main aspect of the new AI technology is the accessibility and power that it provides, which in turn, might be the start of a new age of human-AI collaboration.