Event Blogging Tips • Complete Guide with Events List

Complete Guide to Event Based Blogging
Hope! You like my "Complete Guide to Event Blogging".

Nowadays every professional blogger is starting a new blog about many events, because events will give you a boost for earning money online.

Event organizers also want to blog about their events but they can't, because they are unaware of blogging.

In that time professional bloggers are likely to be hired by some great event organizers, and also they (event organizers) pay more than advertisers of your blog ads spaces.

Maybe! you are a new blogger and hired by someone to do event blogging?

Then you have to learn first and also you don't have time to go to any academy for learning event blogging or you have to start your own event niche blog.

Therefore I decided to make aa Exclusive, quick and complete guide on Event Blogging for you all newbies at blogging.

There are tons of Events in this world, we can choose anyone to fit our thoughts and needs.

Let's learn more and start your new event blog for getting quick and easy money in your pockets for some hard work :)

What is Event Blogging

This is a simple math used by many young and professional bloggers.

This is all about focusing on a niche and upcoming event to blog freely.

There are many events to blog on like for us (Muslims) Eid-ul-adha is a very big event and also for Indians Dandia and other events are precious, while for USA peoples there are plenty of events to blog on.

What we have to choose is our own favorite event (because we can only blog on our favorite event niche blog). So! first think about what event your love more and more.
  • As many bloggers do talks about Event Based Blogging: This is a science of getting quick money by driving huge traffic from search engines (getting organic traffic).

1. How to Start Event Blogging (choosing event)

There are many tools freely available to search what is hot search today (best is trends.google.com). But as I say above " Choose a topic who fit you clearly and easily for Event Based Blogging.

Searching for events: While creating a blog for an event we have to choose a best and famous event. As you know there are tons of events on this world we can choose anyone.


What about a famous one?

A famous event will lead you more money and reputation. Here I want to give you an awesome list of top events in world. You can choose any of them for money making with event blogging.

Top 22 Events for Event Blogging

As you can see in above slide show there are top 10 event trends you can start a event blog on.

Wait! they all are not events ;) you have to choose an event first please read below for a best list of top events. Remember, you may need lanyards from lanyards factory to gain access to some events.
  • Eid-ul-adha: A event for all Muslims, a precious and lovely event for hole world of Muslims. You can blog on Eid-ul-adha Images, How to celebrate Eid-ul-Adha, Whare to celebrate Eid-ul-adha, How to do Qurbani on the day of Eid-ul-adha, What is importance of Eid-ul-adha etc.
Top 21 Events for Event Based Blogging
Infographic by IftiSEO.

2. How to Get started with Your first Event Based Blog?

Now its time to show what you are and what you have to show. After choosing a best event for your next blog now you have to use some techniques for a better event blog learn more by reading below.

1. Buy a domain name: This is a very first thing to do. Just make sure your domain name is related to your chooses event name. For example read below
  • If you want to blog about Bakra Eid (Eid-ul-adha) then you have to buy a domain name related to Eid name such as "BakraEid.com" Eid-ul-adha.com" and etc you find good.

    Maybe! a domain you are searching for chosen earlier by someone else and registered. Don't worry just think about another word and search again.
2. Select a perfect template/theme: This is a must to do step for success of your event blog. As you can see many blogs has awesome styled themes. For example if you are blogging about HOLI then try to give awesome color-touch to your blog design.
  • HOLI is the event of colors, so try to make your blog's theme/template colorful with awesome and high class colors like RED, YELLOW, LIME GREEN and more.
3. Content of event blog: Ha! after buying a good domain the big game is started now. As you know Content Is King and fuel for your blog engine. Without good and unique content your blog can't rank higher. Read what you can do for creating best content.
  • Try to add year and date in your blog post titles - try to give your blog posts a eye-catching title
  • Try to add more than 5 images in all of your event blog posts - as most of people like the images for an event.
  • Make lengthy blog posts - peoples love to read about events
  • Link your older blog posts to newer for more page-views and more money.
4. Search Engine Optimization: This is a logic behind every successful event based blog.

There are many SEO experts who can give your blog a special touch. But if you do it yourself then it might be a good idea. There are two keys for SEO of any blog one is On-page SEO and second one is Off-page SEO.
  • On-page SEO is all about your live blog and content. A best design and easy navigation is key for on-page seo. Also content of your blog is fuel for on-page seo. Try to write keyword optimized posts and also use header tags with some description.
  • Off-page SEO is another success key for blogging. With best off-page seo strategies you can boost your blog's traffic and huge organic traffic means huge earnings. In off-page seo you have to do backlinking, social submission, search engine submission and more.

3. Gain traffic on the event blog

Creating and having content on an event niche blog is easy and everybody can do this just by searching some images on the Google and knowing some dates of that events just by typing the name of event in Google and it will update you with all the details you need to have for creating a much interesting and useful article.

But what about if you have no traffic on your event niche blog?

What is the benefit when you have no traffic?

Its like nothing but a blog without earning potential and without user base which we have to get to make a lot of money on event days.

So to get it you have to do these things and take these steps now:
  • Submit your blog to Google, Yahoo and Yandex and claim on their webmaster tools (submit the sitemap too)
  • Create a profile with that event (blog) name on Twitter and Create pages with the same name on Facebook and Google+
  • Share daily updates in event starting days on that social media profile and pages to gain more social signals
  • Ask your fellow bloggers to link back to your blog (do this as getting some help in SEO)
  • Add proper keywords in the title, article body, in meta tags and also in the URL of the articles
  • Keep your all blog posts alive by updating them and linking to each other for getting more pageviews and user flow
There is much more you can do to get some traffic, just like you can buy credits on Adwords and have premium and keyword targeted traffic from any area of the world as you desire.

You can also run special campaigns by buy ad-spaces on some high quality blogs using Adclerks or Buysellads platforms.

4. Start monetizing your Event blog 

After all above steps now you have to do monetization of your blog by the monetize term I mean the strategies you have to use for earning money with your blog.

I know you are well-aware with Google Adsense.

For an event blog maybe Adsense approval department don't accept your account therefore I have searched and made a list of alternative earning method for you guys :) just read below.
  • Use Google adsense for better optimization of your blog. As they provide higher CPC rates and also pay on impressions. If you don't how to make adsense account then read our guide.

    If you can't get adsense account then go for an alternative like Infolinks (in-text-ads) and Chitika.
  • Join affiliate programs related to your niche (event) for more sales you have to choose a best affiliate network. Amazon and Flipkart is best at aff. program. (This will not works as good as adsense)
Google adsense is a best ever choice for making a lot of money on the event' blogs.

As all the marketing experts consider investing money on Google adsense so they can get real costumers as other platforms can't give them the exact thing Google Adwords is giving for free.

You can see that on the events every seller is on fire and every company and website online started launching and announcing some special discounts and coupons.

This is the main time when Google adsense really pay big cash and you can take advantage of that events by placing Google adsense ads.

So do this and start making money even before that event comes to the life.


So! After reading above guide I think now you are able to do any event based blog for money making.

NOTE: Don't think that on event blog you can get success easily there are many professionals who also write event blogs and making money.

You have to do hard-work for generating money with your blog.

Publish two to three posts daily before the event and share on social networks like Twitter, Google+, Stumbleupan and Facebook.

Make sure you have started your event blog a month before the date of that event you choose to blog on.
 Happy Event Blogging and Enjoy!