What we Learn from Search Quality Evaluator Guide? read the outcome

Hot hot hot!

Yes hotness of bloggers and webmasters is now at its peak.

Here is a news surrounding all over the internet that Google's "website rating guide" (Search Quality Evaluator Guide) is leaked and available to public.
What we Learn from Search Quality Evaluator Guide? read the outcome
Let's read, what we can learn from 160 pages of this leaked book.I have arranged the insights from this e-book for our dear readers and webmasters on the globe.

1. Know how people search and what they want

Usually people try to search with 2 or 3 words on search engines. They use basic words and want good results.

Therefore! Google has to give them high quality content pages. For such purposes Google use their human team. See below image for a better understanding.
breast cancer causes - google search
That is what I got, when I search for "breast cancer causes". Google team choose nationalbreastcancer.org's page for showing information to us.

See I have marked the Feedback button next to green URL. The feedback page help Google team to remove that information or edit it.

People can give the suggestions to Google team, so they can change the information available at serps (search engine's result pages).

What we learn from this?
If your information is 90 to 95% correct, Google team will give your page a special look at their searching pages.
1.1: It means, not only robots work at Google's algorithms. There is a human team very active to give true information for any basic query.

Because people want results and correct information not just garbage text.

In Google's leaked book, this topic starts from page 4.

2. What are the necessary things in a web-page

At the 7th page of search quality rating guide.

As I am done with readings of that book. Trying to give you examples from the web.

Here are some basics of a quality web-page, which Google rating team loves.

2.1: Your post pages should contain text and links (you can add videos and online games too). But make sure you are in your niche. Don't go wrong.

For example: If you are publishing videos from the very first day of your blog/site launch. Don't break it. Add one video to all your upcoming articles.

Same applies to text pages. If you are publishing text articles only. Don't publish blog posts having only videos. Add text (minimum 300 word) or only text article will work for your blog.

Below is a screen shot of onlineustaad.com's homepage.
online ustaad screen shot
The blog title is Urdu Video Tutorials - Computer Ustaad. As below is another screen shot of the blog title.
online ustaad screen shot
Think and answer to my question.

What you want this (online ustaad) blog will show you in first and second blog post. As shown in first image, the first post is about Link Juice and 2nd about Bootstrap.

But! The problem with these posts is: You can watch video tutorial in 2nd post and there is nothing like video in first post.

This is not a SEO error. But it may cause people to leave that blog. Because reader of onlineustaad.com want videos not just text.

If our dear Abdul Wali (a SEO master) make it possible to add one video in all his blog posts. Then his blog will get 18% more traffic.

What Google's book suggest us?
The main content should only content not ads and other things in it. Give what your site bet to give and publish what you are publishing about in starting days of your blog. Be in your selected niche and master it.

3. What it takes to create a quality blog post

Things changed over and over again.

It may take just hard work (the professionals says).

Not now. We all know about Author Rank. It is a no more. But Google is using author rank system to rate a web-page.

For example: If you are a health or fitness blogger, and got reputation in your industry. Don't dare to publish a technology related blog post.

No! It is also not a SEO error. But you can't take your blog post go viral. As people want your name at health and fitness related articles.

As mentioned above. Google has a human team, yes humans and they know how to rate a person on a article base.

If you want to rank your blog post with your name. Try to publish one niche articles. Don't go out of your sweet village.

3.1: The guide also suggested us to have main content as main thing on web-pages.
  • Don't add ads below titles of your articles and at center of information
  • Give main content highest place at your blog and more space to show it
  • Write about the topic you choose for title of your article
Write to the point and longer articles, with great information.

4. How to optimize your blog for mobile users

Mobile (smartphone) users are more likely to surf web at mid-night and they love to search using Google search.

For a blogger it is very simple to optimize his blog.

Only you need to install a responsive template or theme and your blog is fully optimized for mobile users.

But for other webmasters it takes more then they think. As Google shows this matter in below image.
image from google's leaked e-book
I think there is nothing to say on this topic.

As above image is enough for a basic-mind person.

Final words

This article is only a page about insights of Google's leaked Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines e-book.

If you want more help and tips or insights from that book. You can ask us in comments form below. As I love to answer your questions.