How to Rank Higher on Google Search Results in 2024

Now, that’s a title that needs some serious backup. The real answer is, you cannot promise any client page 1 results while targeting a particular keyword. The reason for this is simple, SEO experts who don’t work for search engines like Google, do not have control over the criteria involved that changes the results of website positioning through search. But let’s not worry about the negatives and look at what we can achieve through the positives.

If we take a look at the constant changes Google makes to its Algorithm. It can effect where your website sits in the search result on a frequent basis. So, to combat this, let’s take a look at organic methods that can produce some really good results.

How to Rank Higher on Google Search Results in 2023

In this article, I will tell you everything that’s on my checklist to make your website rank at the top of search results. It will be a combination of short term goals over long term success. Everything you need to consider will be organic, which means your ranking will last and not fall off once there is an update to the search algorithm. I have worked on many websites over the years and I use this strategy because it works for me. Another SEO person may use alternative methods.

How to rank number one for search results in 2024

I will try and make this the simplest read I can fathom up, but the key to success is data, not assumption and then the delivery of content.

List for success. I will add links to this list so you can read in detail what it is you have to do for each part of your website to get on page one.
  1.         Understand what “KEYWORDS” you need before you start anything.
  2.         Get your site “TITLE & DESCRIPTION” perfect.
  3.         Understand the “ARCECTUTRE” of your navigation and links
  4.         Are you using the “HEADING” tags in the correct way with your page content?
  5.         Content for each page should be considered and relative to your site title and description.
  6.         Onwards with the BLOG or NEWS feed so you can add relative, engaging information that links and adds authority to your website.
  7.         Understand that “CONTENT” is everything.
  8.         Know your long term gain.
  9.         Social interaction is key.
  10.         Understand the organic principles of link building.
As you can see from the list above and the links to the relevant articles regarding each technique, there can be a lot to consider in getting your website sitting on page one. Now let’s push all this information into a nice visual so you can really get the idea of what needs to be done.

As the links above in the list section point to articles on this website with extra information I will summarize each point.

1. Understanding Your Keywords

The idea behind your keyword strategy is to target a word or phrase that is being typed into search engines by thousands or millions of users. This way your return for all your hard work will pay off. Your organic SEO plan should be for long term benefits. This means it happens over a six to twelve-month cycle. Think of it like training for a competition, the more you practice the better you get at it.

2. Applying your keywords to the website title and description

Once you understand what keyword you are going to target, make sure and add these to your site title and description. If you want results and positioning, those are simply the rules.

3. Navigation & Architecture

Keep your site navigation and link architecture simple and clean. If you can throw in a keyword via the navigation bar without confusing people with what you actually mean. This would be a good idea to help with the overall dynamics of your link building. Remember to add some title tags to your navigational words.

4. Heading tags

Heading tags are very important throughout your page content. Always try and use the h1 tag towards the top of the page without conflicting with the title tag. You can then use the h2 tags as subheadings throughout your page content.

5. Relative Content

Try and always keep your content relative to your site title and description. It’s no good talking about flowers if you are selling computer games.

6. The Blog or News Feed

The blog or news feed, depending on what you want to call it, is a powerful tool if used in the correct way. Think about assigning your keywords as categories. Once you do this, all the content in the form of articles will help with the positioning of your keyword that you want to target.

If the keyword is the title of a book and the articles are content, how much information do you want to consider? Packing your blog with relevant information for that keyword is the key to success. If your content is good and exciting or maybe it’s really educational and helpful if you don’t want to spend the much time on the writing then online paraphrase tool is not a bad choice to for the paraphrasing the contents. People will share it and click on your website. Your articles also hold weight in the search results as a singular entity. This again can drive traffic to your website and increase your positioning through search.

Now you can come to realize that content really is everything in the world of search.

Long term gain

If you can imagine writing one article a week for your blog, that will be 52 pages of content in a year. If your average article is 300 – 600 words, the best case scenario would be 32100 words on your website working for your positioning in search results. Now that is a lot of content to index and push traffic to your website. This is the long road to success for organic SEO. 52 published articles all pointing back to your website must be doing something?

Social Interaction

Getting connected through social media platforms has its advantages. However, this can take some time to get a following. It’s not all toffee flavored ice cream, smothered in colorful hundreds and thousands. Like this, follow that, hashtag me on this, share it, and post it. “You get the idea”. I would recommend signing up to all of them and then just concentrating on the one you like the most. The advantages of having a huge following can be beneficial to you. It can mean more traffic and increased conversion through sales.

Organic Link Building

To keep this simple, organic link building comes from great content or having an awesome product or service that is in demand. If you get both of these right, people will link back to you on blogs, magazines, news feeds and websites.

Short term tactics

There is only one short-term solution to getting on page 1 for search. Pay for it. Every search engine offers a paid solution in some form of advertising. If your marketing budget is good and you want instant results. This may be for you. But like all good things, once you stop paying, your website is lost among the millions of chickens all trying to peck their way to the top.

If you follow these rules, I guarantee success with your mission to rank higher for certain keywords.
Guest contribution by: Shahzad Ahmad of