Bluesky Gets Social: DMs, Videos, and Curated Feeds on the Way

Social media users who wish for a place that provides both control and connection can be happy. Bluesky, a DSN (decentralized social network) newcomer, releases a roadmap filled with features to improve user experience. 

Bluesky Gets Social: DMs, Videos, and Curated Feeds on the Way

This decision points to the direction of user focus in the DSN space. Contrary to their centralized counterparts, DSNs are based on blockchain technology thus allowing users to own their data and content. But they were missing the features that users were accustomed to. 

Bluesky is confronting this directly. They shared a roadmap in an official blog post and it looks like their roadmap focuses on users' mostly demanded elements first.

DMs will be the first of many features to be released that allow for private conversations within the app. This feature, which is crucial for many of the app's users, will be accompanied by security mechanisms that will allow users to decide who can start a conversation with them.

The future is even more promising as it is going to be followed by the creation of an "on-protocol" DM system. To achieve this, we will connect DMs to our main technology AT Protocol, which will let users have a smooth and secure instant messaging interface.

However, it is not only communication that is experiencing a refurbishment. Considering the fact that social networking is dominated by video content nowadays, Bluesky is introducing video support. The details are still unknown, but this addition proves that the site is willing to remain on par with the changing view.

The most conspicuous modification, nevertheless, is Bluesky's method of content consumption. At the moment, DSNs do provide some degree of feed personalization, but Bluesky is taking it one step further. There will be a complete redesign of the user interface giving each user the freedom to customize their social media experience.

Envision the ease with which you could make custom feeds within the app, curate streams that engage your curiosity, or stay up-to-date with the latest trends – all from a convenient and interactive platform.

Bluesky's features will be aimed at making it all possible along with being able to curate content within feeds and customize your home screen layout.

Safety, however, is still the highest priority for Bluesky. The statement exactly mentions the creation of anti-harassment tools that will soon be made public. This is important since a proactive approach cultivates trust in the community of DSN which has from time to time experienced problems of online toxicity.

Lastly, Bluesky is investigating an "OAuth" login mechanism. This way, the users can log in to multiple Bluesky services and ditch their multiple passwords to get a unified experience. 

Such user-friendly aspects of Bluesky make it possible to imagine a world where decentralized social media does not mean having to compromise on convenience and connection. Bluesky’s roadmap gears it up for the competition in the race for reshaping the social media scene for the masses.