How to Increase Your Email Open Rates for Better Conversions
Stuck in email marketing campaigns? and not getting much conversions?
Well there's a myth which we call Email Open Rate and when you have lower email open rates you can't get success in any type of email marketing campaign.
So to make you know how to increase email open rates for better conversions and highest return on investment, I have written this guide with top 10 steps you should take to dramatically increase open rates and convert more people into your clients:

1. Clean it
First of all, you have to create a clean email subscribers list.
Why? because there are so many people who subscribe to a newsletter and then got not interest in that and forget it or even they hit spam button for many emails. So to make sure your email subscribers are yours, you have to clean that email list.
With so many available tools online for email marketing you can know who is opening your emails and who is not receiving your newsletters. First you should remove those who are not receiving your emails and then remove those are not opening your emails at-least 5 times from your fresh letter.
I know that this way your list will be not that big, but whatever you will have will convert and save you extra charges which you have to pay to email marketing networks and platforms. Still if you don't want to lose your subscribers then read 2nd step.
2. Categories
There are some email marketing tools available in the market which can easily create categories of your subscribers so that you don't have to clean them out from your list.
You can create categories for converting subscribers who are purchasing your suggesting things, new subscribers, not active and general subscribers.
There is much more you can do with categorizing your email subscribers like you can send different types of emails to all the different categorize and test more email templates to convert more people and sale your product.
3. Email notification title
To make every of your subscriber open your emails and really increase email open rates then you should create amazing, eye catchy and wondering email notification titles.
As you know that whenever you open your email account inbox and start reading new emails, you read the titles and notification topics first. What better touch your heart you open that email and start reading the context.
This happens to every individual and all of us just read the those emails which better describers our interests in their titles.
So its better to understand this fact and brainstorm the best ever titles which can lead subscribers to open your email and read it.
4. Time
I don't want to show you a graph where you can easily find that what time table is the best for increasing email open rates and get more people to read your emails. But I am telling you that you should create your own timetable for sending emails to your subscribers.
Every email subscription list is unique and every niche, website and industry is unique. You have to test and check which is the perfect time for your email subscribers and know when they really open your emails.
On almost every email marketing campaign you can do A/B testing and this can help you understand your email subscribers so that you can set a schedule and send emails when is the perfect time.
5. Create curiosity
To make your email subscribers wait for your next email and increase email open rate before you actually send your next email notification is to create curiosity and make them know what is the next new thing you are offering or telling them.
Don't just add the entire topic in the email. You can do this by adding just one line in the end of each email and tell that you are going to talk about that different thing and will personally send your subscribe an email to make him/her know that facts before others.
You can use lines like:
- Hey! Wait for our next email and you will get a secret about email marketing
- We are going to reveal a big data analysis in our next article so be active we will inform you first
- There's something big coming our way, we want you to know that first so be active
And this depends on your industry and niche of your website. You can add more lines like these and let your email subscribers wait for your next email which is the key to increase email open rates.
6. Email body
I saw that so many big companies and websites are really getting higher email open rates and some of them are still testing how to get people read their emails.
All depends on how you craft your email notifications and what you really do at body of emails you send to your subscribers. Like when you are about to send an email about your next product launch and you have created an email template to send to everyone in your list then how people will interact with it?
You should write to just one person and create email templates which can have email subscriber's name in the first or second line so that the reader will get inspired and feel like he/she is the only one who is getting that notification.
This way you can dramatically increase email open rates and make your email subscribers love your content and feel that you are loyal to them.
7. Images
Almost every email marketing expert forget this fact and not recommend this to others. But, being a beta tester to some of the great email marketing services I can say that images have something to do with your email notification and they can really increase email open rates.
By images I am not telling you that you should add images to your every email and create your emails like a blog post.
I am saying that you should add an image with logo of your website at right side of your email and also add your own head-shot at the end of emails and add your info with contact and other information.
Don't add too much images unless you are an eCommerce store owner or marketer and have to show your products. You can add product images and add links for each product image from where people can really buy that product.
8. Call to action
Yes, adding a call to action button in every of your email can ruin your email marketing campaigns. You should do this very often but not every time you send newsletter.
Because it should be exclusive and valuable.
You can create some discounts and highly converting offers on your services or items and then on weekly basis add a call to action button in your exclusive email notification and tell them that the offer is available for a limited time.
This way you can make your email subscribers wait for your next weekly discount offer and email. So that they will got engaged with your email notifications which is a sign of increasing email open rates.
9. Choices
When you are a big company or a big website and have to create a large email subscribers list then you should create choices when your subscribers are going to subscribe to your newsletter.
For an example: Every eCommerce store provides choices for email subscription by asking their subscribers to tell their gender and then choose their email preference by allowing them to send discount offers or new items added notification and flat sales alerts.
You can do the same by asking your email service provider and this may cost you more then a general email marketing cost.
10. Give gifts
Last but not least.
You should dare this and create some gifts for your email subscribers and tell them that you will send over a gift to the best email subscribers on a monthly basis.
That gift can be a discount offer personalized for best email subscribers who are opening your emails and buying your products.
This way you can create an hype and let bloggers talk about you which is strategy to get free promotions.
If you are still not sure about how to increase your email open rates for better conversions then stay with us as we are sharing more guides to help you.