A Few Facts About Email Validation

Among all of the network marketing tools, email marketing deservedly occupies the first place.
This is confirmed by numerous studies conducted by various reputable organizations, as well as most B2B marketers.
A competent email distribution strategy becomes an effective way to increase profits and provide feedback to potential customers, only in case of regular use email address verifier.
This reliable tool takes you to a whole new level of development, saving time and money.
Bye-bye Spam Traps
A big problem for many companies is sending emails to abandoned addresses that are configured to attract spammers for subsequent blocking.
This isn't good for the financial plan and affects people's confidence in the activities of a particular company. If we take 2-3 past years, during this period, more than 60% of large and small businesses engaged in mail marketing have experienced the threat of losing their reputation and getting blacklisted for the distribution of spam mailings.
All because more than 30% of their mailings ended up in spam. For many of them, only timely actions on verifying an email address helped avoid big problems.
During the checks, the same reasons for getting into spam were usually identified, including, a large number of non-existent email addresses in the database.
Deleting Inactive Addresses
More than 80% of companies around the world that are related to network marketing use special services.
They apply this method to avoid invalid addresses in their client base and increase confidence in their domain as a whole. Regular actions aimed at updating existing data affect the increase in the percentage of email delivery, adding new addresses to databases and justify every dollar invested.
At some point duplicates, wrong and non-existent addresses appear in any mailing list. To avoid unwanted contamination of any database, you should validate the email address as often as possible. That can be done with https://truemail.io/. A clean and actual customer base with minimal risk of getting into spam will ensure good dividends for any business.
How Do I Avoid Bad Results And Make Reports More Accurate?
Some companies do not pay enough attention to their mailing lists, and sometimes just buy databases on the side, so as not to waste extra time collecting data.
This approach does not justify itself; also, you should not place a lot of links to suspicious external resources, and you also need to design your emails more correctly without a large number of spam words, exclamation marks, and capital letters.
Sometimes the subject of an email is not related to the content, and users send such emails to spam.
Also, don't forget that spam may be caused by a new domain that the servers are suspicious of, or if DNS records are entered incorrectly. In email marketing, indicators of the overall effectiveness of the campaign which provide verifiers, including all hard/soft bounces, openings, and clicks, are very important.
Removing inactive and abandoned contacts from the list will be useful for your business and give you a more realistic view of the overall situation.