7 Blogging Rules to Follow for A Successful Blogging Journey
There are plenty of blogs out there and many of them are being updated on a daily basis.
Still, people are creating more and more blogs to earn money or to get their brands recognized in more people.
Still, some of the bloggers are yet to know blogging rules and they are not following them to give a boost to their blogging game and make their journey wonderful.
From some days I am on a mission to follow some of the key rules of blogging and make my blogs stand out from the crowd as I was working harder to do it but nothing was happening.
Why I think nothing was happening?
because I was dreaming to have big brands from blogs and my blogs were performing a little bit to earn me some dollars.
They were not growing to my dream' point and that's why I researched to find some rules and best tips to create a blog from scratch and grow my old blogs.
Just after following them I am here to tell you about that rules of blogging and make you successful like me.
I am really happy with the growth of my blogs and in hope to see them as a brand by next year.
Let's do it, I know you have the power to unleash your blogging capabilities and drive your blogs on the road of the internet with high speeds and without any obstacle.
So read out these top 7 unknown blogging rules and untapped blogging tips for a successful blogging career:
You can add an about us page or about me page to your blog and share your personal information or story there.
You can also have privacy protection added to your blog' domain and hide your identity.
However, I recommend you to decide on this topic before you are going to start a blog.
As it is the thing which is going to perform a basic role on your blog and people will be curious to know more about you.
Yes, they will be curious even if you are revealing yourself from the day on of blogging or hiding it.
In my case, I was like "I want to be famous, so I must add my bio on every page of my blog" that was a crazy thing.
But I was doing it for almost 3 years.
Now Stopped!
Because it was not helping me to be famous or have more people talk with me on their problems.
I was also ruining my blog readership and people were opening my about us page more than they do with blog posts.
After removing a widget with my bio, name, and head-shot I was able to see the difference in earnings and readership was growing.
It was the day I discovered that #1 rule of blogging is we should not reveal our self in initial days of our blogs and don't put a widget or box about our bio on every page.
Instead, we should add an about us page having details about the blog and why we started it or how it's helping others.
You can say everything on a separate page but not on blog post pages. This helped me a lot and now I am totally anonymous on my newly growing blogs.
When I discovered that we can create a blog for free and post anything on it without any limitations, I was like "let's copy and paste every article on the internet to my blog" and it was a big bomb for my blogging journey.
I got many of my blogs deleted for copied content and yet I was thinking about "what is wrong with my blogs" and then I discovered that copying content from other web-pages is illegal and we should not do it.
On the other hands, inspiration is what we should dig into and make our own path.
Copying is bad but getting inspiration is good.
For example: If you are reading an article about Loan Quotes and they have a 700+ words article on the same topic you are going to write about what you will do? will you copy their content or write your own?
In my recommendation, you should write your own copy but get inspiration from them. Now how we can get inspiration? just go and read their article from a-to-z then think for a while and add you're on headings at your blog post, now think more about that topic and start writing.
You can copy their idea, but not content.
So make sure you are not copying their text, images, videos or any other thing. Just get the idea and start writing a more informative article on the same topic.
This is how you can get a successful blogging journey by following rules of blogging.
I was not paying attention to this rule and ruined many years in blogging for nothing.
If you want to be rich via blogging and make relations or get more ideas from your readers then you should create a way for your readers to contact you personally.
Yes, its the only thing which you should do on the very first day of your blog creation.
As it plays an important role in your successful blogging journey and makes you get more ideas and business tips for free.
When I was new to blogging was not thinking that we can earn with blogging or not, I was like "I should create a website and tell about that website to my friends and family members and amaze them with my power" however this went wrong and I was known to earnings via blogging in first few months of playing with blogs and blogging networks.
Then my #1 priority was to earn money via blogging and I was busy in finding the ways, but not aware of that we can get business deals from other brands, services, and bloggers which pays well.
However, one day I was checking my Gmail account and found that some emails in my Gmail inbox were about "partnership with allblogthings" and I was shocked.
Then after opening the email and reading the message I was like "yeah! I am going to earn money" but again things went wrong. I was not able to receive money because I was not aware of how to receive money online.
Long story short:
We should create an email address for every blog and add it to our about us or contact us pages and check it on daily basis then talk with other brands, bloggers and services to see what they can offer and how you can grow your blog with their offers.
In simple words, a blog should be fresh and have a set frequency of updates to make readers know when they will get something new to read on a particular blog.
If you are not updating your blog on a schedule then you are ruining your hard work and your blog will not survive.
I learned this lesson by not updating my blog for almost 6 months and my rankings were dramatically decreased.
Why decrease in rankings?
Because when you don't publish new content, your readers start thinking you are just bored of your blog and will never post any new update, thus they tend to find new sources and visit other blogs on the relative topic.
The solution is you should set a frequency for updating your blog from day one.
For example, if your blog is a micro niche blog then you can publish one blog post per week and if your blog is about technology then even 10 posts a day will be not enough.
As people want to read more and more about new technology but when its about health issues they tend to read one article about their problem and then forget the website.
Plus to engage your readers and increase readership you should update your every blog at-least 3 times in a week (it applies to every niche) and it will help your massively grow your audience.
Almost all of the blogging platforms and CMS available in the market have the commenting system installed and they offer commenting system on every blog for free.
If you are using Blogger or WordPress then you may aware of their simple and useful commenting options. You can set the auto spam deduction and approval system.
I recommend that you should enable comment moderation on your blog to make sure you are not getting spam comments and stop spammers to comment on your blog.
Now the commenting rule of blogging is you should make sure that you are answering and replying whenever you receive a comment from someone on your blog.
As if you are accepting comments and not replying or answering to questions in the comments then nobody will again comment on your blog.
Your blog readers will think that you don't have time to manage your blog and reply to the comments. So again they will fall on other blogs.
So to engage your readers more and create a community on your blog, always be active and reply to each and every comment on your blog.
How? as you know that Google is considering Page Speed and Mobile Optimization with Responsive web-pages as a ranking factor, the best thing you can do is to create or buy a perfectly designed blog theme and install it on your blog.
As if you have a responsive, speedy and nice looking theme on your blog with easy navigation and basic fonts to make sure your readers can read what you are publishing can lead you to have more readers and encourage those readers to be your loyal readers.
I have noticed that many big blogs are facing a decrease in ranking from past one year and they are not getting their mistakes. The biggest mistake is we shouldn't have too much speed or too much slower blog.
I am saying this with my experience. For an example: if you have a blog which takes almost 30 seconds to load and another which takes just 3 seconds to load. Which blog will have more visit time duration? Probably the first one.
But your 30 second load time blog will have increased bounce rate and your 3 seconds load blog will have decreased bounce rate and what I want you to experiment with is you should make your blog's load in 9 to 16 seconds (depending on content and niche).
Its the perfect timing (at least for me) to stick my readers with my blog and make them curious about my published content. Its normal and people will not get afraid of 10 seconds, they may visit you and leave in 5 seconds when your blog is loading in 3 seconds.
As of my experience still, people love to get exact answers to their queries even they have to wait for more than 1 minute. You can also check government websites on different occasions.
They load pages like a slower turtle and still, people keep on reloading them to see their exact thing. Sure! its about the content not the speed but a beautiful design can catch eyes and make a reader share your blog.
However, I've listed it at the end because I think when you are done with the above steps you can then move to this one and have money in your pocket.
There are many bloggers telling you about how to make money blogging and there are many new+old different kinds of platforms and networks are available to make you earn money via your blog.
But still, you have to create a strategy and know what type of blog monetization can work for you. There are a few best ways to earn money via blogging:
However, I can't say that they will work for you too, but selling ads spaces and offering sponsorship opportunity to brands will open new doors to your blogging earnings.
Brands and services will reach and tell you how to make money and promote them or their products and the rule of blogging for making money are: Make sure you are getting at-least 500 page-views per day before opening the blog for sponsorships and ad-selling.
As small blogs can't make enough money and brands will leave them. So make your blog stand out and then try different methods of making money blogging.
I know you are thinking about how these rules of blogging can help you and why I am revealing all of these rules publicly.
The only answer is I love sharing my experiences with my audience and friends. As you are my friend I can't resist sharing my success and failures to my friends.
So it's about how I was able to grow my blogs by following a basic and must follow rules of blogging.
If you have any question then please comment below, otherwise, follow above blogging rules and have a successful journey.
- Stay connected with AllBlogThings.
Still, people are creating more and more blogs to earn money or to get their brands recognized in more people.
Still, some of the bloggers are yet to know blogging rules and they are not following them to give a boost to their blogging game and make their journey wonderful.
From some days I am on a mission to follow some of the key rules of blogging and make my blogs stand out from the crowd as I was working harder to do it but nothing was happening.
Why I think nothing was happening?
because I was dreaming to have big brands from blogs and my blogs were performing a little bit to earn me some dollars.
They were not growing to my dream' point and that's why I researched to find some rules and best tips to create a blog from scratch and grow my old blogs.

Just after following them I am here to tell you about that rules of blogging and make you successful like me.
I am really happy with the growth of my blogs and in hope to see them as a brand by next year.
Let's do it, I know you have the power to unleash your blogging capabilities and drive your blogs on the road of the internet with high speeds and without any obstacle.
So read out these top 7 unknown blogging rules and untapped blogging tips for a successful blogging career:
Rule #1. Anonymity
It's your own choice to reveal your face or your personal details with your blog readers or not to.You can add an about us page or about me page to your blog and share your personal information or story there.
You can also have privacy protection added to your blog' domain and hide your identity.
However, I recommend you to decide on this topic before you are going to start a blog.
As it is the thing which is going to perform a basic role on your blog and people will be curious to know more about you.
Yes, they will be curious even if you are revealing yourself from the day on of blogging or hiding it.
In my case, I was like "I want to be famous, so I must add my bio on every page of my blog" that was a crazy thing.
But I was doing it for almost 3 years.
Now Stopped!
Because it was not helping me to be famous or have more people talk with me on their problems.
I was also ruining my blog readership and people were opening my about us page more than they do with blog posts.
After removing a widget with my bio, name, and head-shot I was able to see the difference in earnings and readership was growing.
It was the day I discovered that #1 rule of blogging is we should not reveal our self in initial days of our blogs and don't put a widget or box about our bio on every page.
Instead, we should add an about us page having details about the blog and why we started it or how it's helping others.
You can say everything on a separate page but not on blog post pages. This helped me a lot and now I am totally anonymous on my newly growing blogs.
Rule #2. Copying and Inspiration
I know that every new blogger with his/her new blog publish copied blog posts and I was doing the same thing back in 2013.When I discovered that we can create a blog for free and post anything on it without any limitations, I was like "let's copy and paste every article on the internet to my blog" and it was a big bomb for my blogging journey.
I got many of my blogs deleted for copied content and yet I was thinking about "what is wrong with my blogs" and then I discovered that copying content from other web-pages is illegal and we should not do it.
On the other hands, inspiration is what we should dig into and make our own path.
Copying is bad but getting inspiration is good.
For example: If you are reading an article about Loan Quotes and they have a 700+ words article on the same topic you are going to write about what you will do? will you copy their content or write your own?
In my recommendation, you should write your own copy but get inspiration from them. Now how we can get inspiration? just go and read their article from a-to-z then think for a while and add you're on headings at your blog post, now think more about that topic and start writing.
You can copy their idea, but not content.
So make sure you are not copying their text, images, videos or any other thing. Just get the idea and start writing a more informative article on the same topic.
This is how you can get a successful blogging journey by following rules of blogging.
Rule #3. Contact Option
The is at #3 but the most important rule of blogging which you should defiantly follow and have in mind for every blog of yours and I recommend that you should do it before creating your blog.I was not paying attention to this rule and ruined many years in blogging for nothing.
If you want to be rich via blogging and make relations or get more ideas from your readers then you should create a way for your readers to contact you personally.
Yes, its the only thing which you should do on the very first day of your blog creation.
As it plays an important role in your successful blogging journey and makes you get more ideas and business tips for free.
When I was new to blogging was not thinking that we can earn with blogging or not, I was like "I should create a website and tell about that website to my friends and family members and amaze them with my power" however this went wrong and I was known to earnings via blogging in first few months of playing with blogs and blogging networks.
Then my #1 priority was to earn money via blogging and I was busy in finding the ways, but not aware of that we can get business deals from other brands, services, and bloggers which pays well.
However, one day I was checking my Gmail account and found that some emails in my Gmail inbox were about "partnership with allblogthings" and I was shocked.
Then after opening the email and reading the message I was like "yeah! I am going to earn money" but again things went wrong. I was not able to receive money because I was not aware of how to receive money online.
Long story short:
We should create an email address for every blog and add it to our about us or contact us pages and check it on daily basis then talk with other brands, bloggers and services to see what they can offer and how you can grow your blog with their offers.
Rule #4. Publishing Frequency
Blog post publishing frequency matters a lot in engaging your readers and also getting ranked at search engines. You may know that blogs are about updating with new information or news and tips on something.In simple words, a blog should be fresh and have a set frequency of updates to make readers know when they will get something new to read on a particular blog.
If you are not updating your blog on a schedule then you are ruining your hard work and your blog will not survive.
I learned this lesson by not updating my blog for almost 6 months and my rankings were dramatically decreased.
Why decrease in rankings?
Because when you don't publish new content, your readers start thinking you are just bored of your blog and will never post any new update, thus they tend to find new sources and visit other blogs on the relative topic.
The solution is you should set a frequency for updating your blog from day one.
For example, if your blog is a micro niche blog then you can publish one blog post per week and if your blog is about technology then even 10 posts a day will be not enough.
As people want to read more and more about new technology but when its about health issues they tend to read one article about their problem and then forget the website.
Plus to engage your readers and increase readership you should update your every blog at-least 3 times in a week (it applies to every niche) and it will help your massively grow your audience.
Rule #5. Commenting
If you want to have a community around your blog and get more and more people interested to talk about your blog then the commenting systems are the most useful thing.Almost all of the blogging platforms and CMS available in the market have the commenting system installed and they offer commenting system on every blog for free.
If you are using Blogger or WordPress then you may aware of their simple and useful commenting options. You can set the auto spam deduction and approval system.
I recommend that you should enable comment moderation on your blog to make sure you are not getting spam comments and stop spammers to comment on your blog.
Now the commenting rule of blogging is you should make sure that you are answering and replying whenever you receive a comment from someone on your blog.
As if you are accepting comments and not replying or answering to questions in the comments then nobody will again comment on your blog.
Your blog readers will think that you don't have time to manage your blog and reply to the comments. So again they will fall on other blogs.
So to engage your readers more and create a community on your blog, always be active and reply to each and every comment on your blog.
Rule #6. Design
It matters, and it matters a lot in increasing or decreasing your rankings and readership.How? as you know that Google is considering Page Speed and Mobile Optimization with Responsive web-pages as a ranking factor, the best thing you can do is to create or buy a perfectly designed blog theme and install it on your blog.
As if you have a responsive, speedy and nice looking theme on your blog with easy navigation and basic fonts to make sure your readers can read what you are publishing can lead you to have more readers and encourage those readers to be your loyal readers.
I have noticed that many big blogs are facing a decrease in ranking from past one year and they are not getting their mistakes. The biggest mistake is we shouldn't have too much speed or too much slower blog.
I am saying this with my experience. For an example: if you have a blog which takes almost 30 seconds to load and another which takes just 3 seconds to load. Which blog will have more visit time duration? Probably the first one.
But your 30 second load time blog will have increased bounce rate and your 3 seconds load blog will have decreased bounce rate and what I want you to experiment with is you should make your blog's load in 9 to 16 seconds (depending on content and niche).
Its the perfect timing (at least for me) to stick my readers with my blog and make them curious about my published content. Its normal and people will not get afraid of 10 seconds, they may visit you and leave in 5 seconds when your blog is loading in 3 seconds.
As of my experience still, people love to get exact answers to their queries even they have to wait for more than 1 minute. You can also check government websites on different occasions.
They load pages like a slower turtle and still, people keep on reloading them to see their exact thing. Sure! its about the content not the speed but a beautiful design can catch eyes and make a reader share your blog.
Rule #7. Make Money
I know you are not thinking its a least point here and also I know that you were looking for this heading from the above side of this article.However, I've listed it at the end because I think when you are done with the above steps you can then move to this one and have money in your pocket.
There are many bloggers telling you about how to make money blogging and there are many new+old different kinds of platforms and networks are available to make you earn money via your blog.
But still, you have to create a strategy and know what type of blog monetization can work for you. There are a few best ways to earn money via blogging:
- Sell ads spaces
- Publish paid reviews
- Open blog for sponsorships
- Receive physical products for free to talk about them in your blog
- Offer paid courses
- Sell eBooks
- Offer paid private newsletter subscription
- Have a paid to post job board
However, I can't say that they will work for you too, but selling ads spaces and offering sponsorship opportunity to brands will open new doors to your blogging earnings.
Brands and services will reach and tell you how to make money and promote them or their products and the rule of blogging for making money are: Make sure you are getting at-least 500 page-views per day before opening the blog for sponsorships and ad-selling.
As small blogs can't make enough money and brands will leave them. So make your blog stand out and then try different methods of making money blogging.
I know you are thinking about how these rules of blogging can help you and why I am revealing all of these rules publicly.
The only answer is I love sharing my experiences with my audience and friends. As you are my friend I can't resist sharing my success and failures to my friends.
So it's about how I was able to grow my blogs by following a basic and must follow rules of blogging.
If you have any question then please comment below, otherwise, follow above blogging rules and have a successful journey.
- Stay connected with AllBlogThings.