7 Rules of Making A Successful Blog

If you are serious with your blogging career and want to really generate money out of your blog then you have to follow these must follow rules of blogging.
In my years of experience in the blogging field, I discovered that these rules have to be followed strictly and should not be avoided.
From starting a blog to writing blog posts, and finding a niche to earning money, I will cover every rule which should be applied and you will have a successful blog in the end.
1. Start With A Niche
Before you start a blog, you have to find a niche.Every blog should have a niche or at least a theme of topics on which the author can write consistently without getting bored.
This applies to every type of blogs, from personal, business to e-commerce, every type of blog should start with a niche as most of the times, readers want more relative information and when your blog has the same, it makes your blog a resource of information.
You should narrow down your blog's focus and create a list of main topics that you have to cover in the first 100/200 articles. Selecting a small topic then growing to the bigger can make your blog a go-to online hub for a selected industry.
2. Write Relevant Blog Posts
Quality content is the key to the success of a blog, and this is a useless statement if you are not talking about relevance.Yes, you have to be relevant while choosing topics for your blog posts and that's the actual way of creating an outstanding and traffic-magnet blog that generates traffic and revenue.
Guess what will happen when someone visits your blog which is about a health-related topic and found that you are talking about finance? he/she will leave your blog and never comes back.
That's why you should be relevant to your niche/industry and stay active around that and related topics. Write blog posts about the same niche as if you are talking about health issues, talk about women's health issues, babies' health problems and how to get rid of different health issues. That's the number one recipe to engage new readers and turn them into returning and loyal readers.
3. Capture Emails
One of the most effective and best ways of generating more revenue, more loyalty and making a backbone of your online business it capturing emails of your blog visitors as you can send them affiliate offers and make passive income from email marketing campaigns.You can do it with enabling email subscriptions for the newsletter of your blog and allow visitors to subscribe for free using any feed/RSS platform. You can offer a free eBook, email course, special email-only updates, and other things to encourage more subscribers.
There are WordPress plugins and many private companies which are working on this with great solutions, you can check MailChimp, OptinMonster, ThriveLeads and more.
4. Leverage Social Media
Social media is dominating online marketing and that's the actual way of getting tons of free traffic, free leads and a free reputation for your blog as a brand.Yes, that's true, social media can turn your blog into a brand, but only if you leverage social media networks as they should be. You can learn social media marketing by spying on your competitors and following the brands in the industry.
Check how they interact with their users/customers or visitors and do improve your services, provide more information and share only the best on social media as people on these networks are likely to follow what's better and eye-catching. You can use social media sharing buttons and commenting options for more interactive user experience.
People even took to social media for common queries like check my paper for plagiarism and others, that's why we say social media optimization can help you boost traffic easily than SEO.
5. Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the only way to get organic traffic from Google that can give you the most satisfying traffic and this is also a thing that forces you to create quality content.Just make sure that SEO is not about keyword stuffing, heavy backlinking, useless submissions and forced mentions, you have to do it generally and in a way that should be friendly to your readers.
As in the end, user experience is everything and for today's SEO factors, the user experience is the number one SEO factor. Google is smart enough now to understand what people are doing on your web-pages and knows how your pages should be ranked to other competitors.
So do your best to provide your readers with what they need. Use ALT-tags on your images, create relative backlinks, update old content and publish fresh content on a daily basis, provide solutions to problems and solve issues, provide more in-depth information.
6. Monetize With Every Option
Yes, don't listen to so-called professionals and experienced people in the industry. Do A/B testing with your monetization methods and check what works well for you.There are some key options like Google Adsense, Product Selling (eBook or other products), Affiliate Marketing, Paid Content, Paid Webinars, Coaching, Sponsored Content, Direct Ad-space Selling and brand partnership.
You can test all of these and other options which you think may work. I recommend you to have at-least two monetization options enabled at the same time so that you can easily know which option is good.
7. Have Patience
Almost 95% of blogs fail to be a success in just a few months, most of the authors and bloggers stop updating their blogs after some months as they don't see positive results or any revenue.That's when you are losing money on the table, this is when you have to be patient and have more power in your hands for writing more blog posts and driving traffic to the old ones.
So, be consistent and keep on working for your blog, do social media promotions, have more content published and let your friends help you by sharing your blog posts on their social media profiles.
You can also ask other bloggers and publish guest posts on their blogs for having a link back to your blog which will give you fruitful results in terms of authority and search engine optimization.
Successful Blog FAQs:
If you are wondering and have questions related to making a successful blog, you should check out this frequently asked questions index right below and understand it better.
We are answering all of your questions related to making a successful blog in 2019 and beyond:
How do you create a successful blog on a budget?
If it is about budget, you are probably asking for how to create a blog that costs less than $10 or how to start one for free and the most amazing answer is:With Google's Blogger.com, anybody can start a blog absolutely for free and without any ads, credit link or any other side glitch.
The only thing you will need to fully make that blog your personal is having a custom domain pointed to the blog. For this, I suggest you head over to Dynadot and register a low cost .com domain under $7.
How do I get my blog noticed?
If you are looking to have some eyeballs on your blog, you should try to publish quality and unique articles. By quality I mean to say, you should have informative articles published on your blog and all of the articles should have something that is helping people to solve a specific problem.After that, you should consider submitting your sitemaps to search engines, use breadcrumbs, add relative keywords into content and also upload high quality featured images. You should also share your articles in Facebook groups and over other social media apps to gain some social signals for easy rankings at Google that will make your blog a successful blog.
How do bloggers get paid?
If you are looking to make some money and you are at the beginning of a successful blogging journey, you should understand that not every blogger is getting paid to blog about what he/she is blogging about right now. Even many of them don't want to get paid either and some of them making huge money using their blogs.So, there are a few methods that you can try to make some dollars with your new blog and some of the best are Google Adsense, Selling eBooks, Affiliate Marketing and Freelance Writing.
However, you can provide digital services like setting up a blog for a fee, providing logo design services or holding webinars then recommending relative services (with an affiliate link) to the attendees that will convert to your commissions.
The possibilities to make money blogging are endless, but, before making an attempt, you have to create a quality blog that has traffic and authority in numbers like Domain Authority, SEMrush Score and Backlinks and the most needed thing "Traffic",
Well, this is a small list of blogging rules, but you have to follow these rules as a must. Otherwise, you have to face failure.