10 Best Part-Time Business Ideas For Everyone

10 Best Part-Time Business Ideas For Everyone
Having a part-time business is a need of today's world as everything is being replaced with another product, service, or announcement, we are facing issues in registering our businesses or simply finding unique ideas.

While having other issues, we also don't know which part-time business idea suits us, and then we don't know what's the best and working business idea for today's changing world.

As we publish a lot about business, we created a list of the top 10 best part-time business ideas that work for everyone or you can say anybody can start these businesses without a large investment or risking the capital (their hard-earned money). So check our small business opportunities right below:

Online Businesses

The first part of this article includes online business ideas that everyone can start today.

1. Online Tutoring

10 Best Part-Time Business Ideas For Everyone
Despite the closing of thousands of private institutes worldwide, we still have those students who want to study online and keep their education going without any extra burden on their parents. These kids and young people want someone to be their tutor and teach them online.

All you have to do for this business idea is just showcase your degrees (yes, it will work) and set up your social media profiles as a teacher and you can do it by:
  • Uploading a professional cover image
  • Add description/bio with your qualification and experience details
  • Do some live videos and tell how you wanna teach them
  • Create a plan for your online classes (subjects, fee, and timetable)
You can simply create a private Facebook group for students who want to hire yourself as their teacher or you can create a YouTube channel. Another option is Preply tutoring that connects students with independent tutors via video chat.

Zoom app or Whatsapp and even Microsoft Teams app can help you do it professionally and for free.

You can easily earn up to $50 per student with this simple part-time business idea (teaching 1/2 hours daily).

2. Social Media Marketing

10 Best Part-Time Business Ideas For Everyone
Every business and startup highly invests in social media marketing and now even individuals and people like musicians, freelancers and even photographers (almost everyone) use social media as their marketing channel to advertise their services and products.

This could be the best part-time business opportunity for you, as you don't really have to do much work, they will tell you everything and you have to give your time to managing ads and payments. In short, you should have some knowledge of:
  • How to use advertising platforms of Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok
  • How to target the audience that your clients need
  • How to calculate actual ROI (return on investment) and do retargeting
  • How to get more leads at low rates and at best times
As every social media marketing campaign is different and it's up to the client's needs, you have to work with your clients closely and gather as much information as you can. This is a great part-time hustle that pays you up to $50/week or up to $500/per campaign (depends on the budget of clients). 

3. Graphic Designer

10 Best Part-Time Business Ideas For Everyone
Becoming a graphic designer is now easy with some free courses on YouTube and even a $10 course on Udemy can help you become a certified graphic designer with some real skills. This is a lucrative job for people who like to design things or wanna play with their artistic minds and even teenagers can do it.

You can get clients for this work from:
  • Fiverr
  • Upwork
  • Facebook Groups
  • Relative Web-Forums
  • Or contacting companies directly
I have seen that most of my Facebook friends are doing this as their full-time job and they are enjoying the work. They always reply to posts where someone is asking for a graphic designer's help and they showcase their portfolio instantly.

A graphic designer can easily earn $100 per project or as low as $5 for a simple logo design, it's up to your experience so do give it some time and make it your favorite part-time business.

4. Photography

10 Best Part-Time Business Ideas For Everyone
Capturing the best around you is now as easy as ABC. Yes, with all the smartphones in the market having doul, triple, and even 5 cameras, we can easily capture an HD or even bigger size images with auto blur and HDR effects. A macro lens is now a traditional camera for every smartphone and we all own it.

Why not make your daily photography habit to pay you money? let's capture some quality images and upload them to Shutterstock then start making money selling images online. This is the most interesting and easy to do the part-time business idea that almost everyone can do.

5. Essay Writing

10 Best Part-Time Business Ideas For Everyone
Most of the graduates forget their problems when they were in the college/university and was not able to write a unique essay, those were the days of real hard work and headaches. This is real and still, there are students who needs someone to help them with their essay writing.

If you can write an essay on any topic, you can simply make awesome money. Yes, you can even make it your part-time business and start selling your services on freelancing websites or join a service that provides essay writing services to students around the globe.

You can write 2/3 sample essays and create a free blog on Blogger.com, showcase your work and then look for students who need your services in Facebook groups, Twitter chats (twitter hashtags) and also in various student forums. You can get paid up to $30 per essay writing task.

Offline Businesses

The second part of this article includes offline business ideas that everyone can start today.

6. Takeaway

10 Best Part-Time Business Ideas For Everyone
Takeaway businesses are yielding the highest profits due to the crisis scene and thus, they are hiring new delivery boys and girls who can help them deliver more food to more areas so that they can leverage the situation.

In your part time, you can join a takeaway that is next to your house, they will pay you per package delivery or per hour.

This could be the best part-time job for people in United States or the United Kingdom. For a more solid income, you can start your own takeaway business that can be started with a little budget and a chef in your hands.

7. Car Washer

10 Best Part-Time Business Ideas For Everyone
As people are sick of going out just to get their cars washed, they want someone who can drive straight to their homes and wash their vehicle, get payment, and go away. That's it.

You can do it by putting an ad of yourself holding a car wash pipe and put your contact number then pay Facebook or Twitter a $10 payment, set your audience (people in your town who have cars) and push the publish button.

Or simply ask your neighbors and friends to share your new part-time business idea with your contact details to their friends and followers. This will help you reach the clients as people will take it as a new way of getting their cars washed at home and its crazy.

8. Handyman Services

10 Best Part-Time Business Ideas For Everyone
If you can do what Electricians, Plumbers, HVAC Technicians, Painters, Cleaners, Janitors, Carpenters and other Handymen can do, you can be the next big money earner in your town.

Just pick one service that you think is a need of your town and go out, tell people about it, and share your work details, tell them how you are the best choice for such services. Earning up to $10 per hour will not be a bad choice when you are doing it for fun or as a side hustle.

9. Gym

10 Best Part-Time Business Ideas For Everyone
Building a body, a healthy lifestyle, and becoming fit is what a gym is made for. Everybody dreams to be fit and look beautiful, they want to join a gym that is cool, scheduled, and the best in the class.

All you have to do is just set up a gym in your backyard or rent a shop for building a professional gym. This could be the best part-time business idea when there's no gym in your town or the area you are living in.

With minimum time (2 hours a day) you can easily earn some extra money to fill your pockets every month.

10. Laptop Repairing

10 Best Part-Time Business Ideas For Everyone
Well, this is a whole new industry, some people even don't know about it and still using such services. Yes, that's true, people are earning a lot of money repairing laptops and they do it offline and online as well.

As there are two types of issues in laptops that we can fix, the first is software-related (can be fixed online) and the second is hardware-related (can be fixed offline only). Here we are talking about hardware-related issues.

Just go out and tell your friends and family members and the people in your town that you can fix their broken laptops at their home and you will charge a minimum fee. They will surely call you as there's always a glitch in someone's laptop every day, you can make huge money with this simple part-time business idea.

If still, you are looking for some new part-time business ideas, you can share your expertise in the comments form below and we will suggest you a new business idea for sure.